Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lift off!

Hello everyone!
Things have been progressing here quite nicely this past week! Adam is making a few changes to his Etsy site, and has been really hard at work coming up with quite a few new pieces to add to it. They are INCREDIBLE! (if i do say so myself). Whenever you get a chance, check it out. The pieces he is working on right now are still under construction and haven't been added yet. Once all are completed, he will be adding them in. He has made some great changes to his site. He's changed the order of some items, and groupings as well. It looks great! I am so proud if him! Way to go!

There was also another site I ran across that is wedding related (ummmm........can't help myself), and has some beautiful lace items on there. Others are ribbons and fabric that can be sold by the yard. I know there are a lot of scrap bookers among the Gurevitz's, and thought I'd throw the link in here if you are interested. I was thinking the lace or ribbon could be used for anything. Cards, photo albums, place mats, edging on pillows. Anyway, she (Erica Cavanagh) has some beautiful pieces on there, so check it out when you get a chance. Here is the link:
This talented lady is also our florist. The site I gave you to view is to her second site. I am telling you, it seems like there isn't anything she can't do!

Next month: Let them eat cake! That's right! We're off to schedule taste testings for the wedding cake. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. So, for all of you, this must be done! :-) We will let you know the progress on that as well! Bite by tasty bite! Yummmmm.

This coming week and into next, we are getting some vendors taken care of, and are in the process of finding a place for the rehearsal dinner. There is a place Barb found, and we are going there next week to try it. Can't wait!

Tonight we are having dinner with our friends Jimmy and Jodi, and their little one, Violet. I can not believe she will be a year old in March! Neither can they, for that matter. We are going to a place called Mellow Mushroom off of Polaris Parkway. I am really excited! My quest to find a good pizza place here is well under way! (rubino's will always have a place in my is what i grew up on!) And then after dinner, we are going stuffed animal shopping! My nephew is going to be one on February 23rd. Where does the time go? I remember when he was born. What a crazy year.

Oh, attention foodies! I was watching The Food Network and saw Mimi's Cafe referenced on there. (mimi's is right across the street from polaris mall) They were featuring Mimi's five-cheese grilled cheese sandwich. It looked delicious! I caught just a small bit of the segment, but it sounded delicious! They butter both sides, dipping it in parmesan cheese and then they grill it open-faced. They add 4 other cheeses to it, and then close the sandwich when they plate it. It looks like a bite of pure cheesy heaven! I have been to Mimi's before, and was really impressed with the creativity of the menu. I can vouch that their chocolate mousse is pretty good.

Well everyone, time to make more coffee and see Adam when he comes home for lunch.
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Five Months and Counting!

So, I would love to be able to tell you that we have been staying up, night after night, vigilantly working on everything wedding, but that just wouldn't be true. Days, weeks, and months have been flying by, and now we are not only past the half-way mark, but we have just passed the 5 month countdown! Can you believe it? I know I can't. At the beginning, it felt like time was on our side, but now, holy cow.........we have less than 5 months left?? To get everything else finished? Seriously? Oy vey!

We are still making progress, that is for sure. The invitations are at the printers, and we are waiting for the "rough draft" to be sent back to us for any changes that need to be made. I can't believe we have to have them ready and printed within 2 months so they can be sent out. Mom and I have joyfully recruited Barb into helping us with the floral arrangements for the centerpieces. She's absolutely loving it! Mom was over there today hard at work with Barb putting two of them together, and I can't wait to run over there tomorrow to see them before work! Yay!

I got an e-mail last week from the florist saying that the boutonnieres were ready, along with the completion of the corsages for both of our moms. I ordered those last week, and we'll have them to view soon! Next to knock out will be the bridesmaids bouquets, and then mine.

Things are really coming together now. This is so exciting! I can't wait! Really though, with the way time has been speeding by, it won't be much longer until Adam and I are eating challah and having our first glass of wine together as husband and wife!

We are in the middle of making a decision on the chuppah, and then the ketubah isn't far behind that. We're signing a contract with the hotel for our out-of-town guests, and people can start making their reservations soon!

The little things are starting to come together as quickly as the bigger ones. We are still finalizing the list, and finalizing the menu with the caterer. Once that is done, we can tackle the seating chart for the reception. Honestly, when I signed on for this I had no idea everything that it entailed!

I realize we are doing some things a little unconventionally, but to be honest, I think it gives us more of a hands-on approach, and I am really enjoying it. I feel like all of the vendors we have secured so far have been the absolute best to work with! They are friendly and offer wonderful advice. My florist is probably one of the closest to me I would say. She and I have been e-mailing quite often, and I believe I have made a new friend up in Vancouver Island, BC, Canada! I opted out for real flowers for the bridal party, and am pretty happy with my decision so far. The flowers are something we'll be able to keep forever, instead of just a few days. It made more sense to me to do it that way. I am really glad I did! Erica, (the fantastic-and-oh-so-talented Brit turned Canadian I was fortunate enough to find in just one of my many, many, many online wedding searches) has been the most agreeable person in the world! Her work has both character and personality. Exactly what we wanted! Thank you a million times over Erica! You are awesome! (if anyone ever needs alternative flowers/boutonnieres that offer beautiful craftsmanship for a price that beats all others out of the water, let me know. i am more than happy to forward her info your way!)

There is still so much more to do, and we are chipping away at it bit-by-bit. I know we made such great progress in the beginning, and I hope we can stay full steam ahead from here on out!

So, there is a silver lining that I can offer you in the midst of this cold wintry gloom.............go into your closets.......all the way to the know, where your summer garb has been stashed? Look for your prettiest dancing shoes, and the dress or suit that offers the most give. There's plenty of drinks and food and dancing to come your way!

See you all in June, sunshines!