Thursday, December 31, 2009

His ring

Hey everyone! I forgot to tell you........Adam has his ring! He came home one day at lunch, and gave me a hug and showed me his hand. He loves it! It is perfect for him too. It is just his style. Now, all we need is a piece of paper making it legal. (and some food and music too!)

Auld Lang Sang

Out with the old, in with the new.
Happy New Year everyone!
The harsh winter is here upon us in Columbus, and seems to want to stay for a while. Adam and I were hit with a 24-hour bug that came and left in the blink of an eye. We're finally feeling better day by day. Adam's appetite is almost 100% and mine is slowly coming back too. Hopefully the rest of you avoided catching this. It is uncomfortable! We stayed at home and slept off and on for 24 hours straight.
Today, Adam is at work getting a rush job done for a customer, and I am once again sitting at the computer with coffee on table (not in sip at a time). I have on a comfy hoodie, my flannels, and my warm sock/slippers Adam's parent's gave me for Chanukkah. (thank you, thank you, thank you!) The beagle stayed home from work today, and is currently half asleep on the couch. He is looking out the window every so often to see if daddy is coming home yet, and all the cats are sprawled out like gluttons who ate too much for the holidays.
We went to the zoo last night to see Wild lights, and it was so pretty. It was really cold! I had on about five layers, and I think Adam had on about seven. Even bundled up, the night air was biting! Adam ate at the food court, and then we went in search for hot chocolate. We found a vendor whose line wasn't around the corner, and both got a cup. (i wanted whip cream in mine.....yum!) As we wound our way back to the front, we caught one of the last light shows of the night, and it was great. The lights were fantastic! They are all different colors on almost every tree the zoo has. The area by the main gate is where we stopped to catch the light show, and the lights were set to the music. They ended each show with Trans-Siberian Orchestra (love it!), and everything blinked in sinc. It was the perfect end. After the show was over, we decided to leave. Traffic on the way out was much easier to maneuver through than on the way in. It was smooth sailing all the way back. When we got home, we were both pretty beat. We had a nice time at the zoo, but decided if we go next year it will be in 40 degree weather, and not 15 or 20. (bbbrrrrrr).
We changed out of our multi-layers, and into our sweatshirts and flannels (ok, i did...he changed into jeans and two shirts), and settled in for a bit. We called it an early night and once we got into the warm bed, it was a matter of a few minutes before we were both out like a light.
I woke up and still can't believe tonight is New Year's Eve. Where does the time go? I wish I knew.
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! May you have a healthy, happy, and safe one. I hope it is the best so far, with the promise of many more to come.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays with the Hamiltons

I had been looking forward to this night for such a long time! We hadn't had a chance to see Jeff & Julie and their kids for months. Their youngest is getting so big! She'll be two next month. (ay caramba).

We exchanged gifts and gave the kids their presents. It was so great to see their smiling faces tearing through tissue and wrapping paper with the greatest of ease. I have to tell you, I did the same. Jeff & Julie got us such a thoughtful gift! They gave us two fleece blankets, an awesome hot chocolate gift set....complete with mugs, marshmallows, and cocoa powder (yum!), and the last item to be opened was our very own copy of: 'The Notebook'!!!! Can you believe it? Julie said that she read my blog, and immediately thought of getting the movie for us. She found it, and it was the store's last copy. Soon after the gifts were exchanged, Jeff took peeled and boiled potatoes and shredded them to make latkes with. Along with that, they had "pulled" chicken simmering in the crock pot in chicken broth, a home made veggie tray, and for dessert.....Kathy's home made cookies. Holy cow! (no pants were a little snug this morning........but honestly, it was sooo worth it!).

While we ate, Meagan and Julie played a Twilight board game we got for her, and Lena was busy painting all of us pictures, while Patrick kept getting his remote control helicopter stuck under the Christmas tree. Katie was running between her brother and sisters, wanting to see what everyone was playing with. I was in heaven watching the kids have a fantastic time. Their exuberance and innocence are so refreshing, and even more-so around the holidays.

Not too long after the presents were open and dinner was cleaned up, it was bed time for the kids. Jeff was getting text updates from Santa every 30 minutes or so, and the kids hurried to get into bed so Santa could drop off their gifts without being seen. After they got into bed, Julie and I left the big boys to play Wii, and we holed ourselves up in the den to wrap everyone's gifts. About two to two-and-a-half hours later we emerged victorious at getting everything wrapped. The only thing left to fill were the stockings by the fireplace. When we got out of the room, we found Adam watching tv, and Katie fast asleep on daddy Jeff's lap. (daddy was snoozing a little too.....sssshhhhhhh........i promised i wouldn't say anything.) While we were bringing the presents out to put under the tree, Lena woke up and wanted to know if Santa had brought the presents yet. Julie went in to talk to Lena while Adam, Jeff & I were grabbing gifts left and right trying to get them under the tree in case little ones wanted to see if Santa had come yet. We were lucky, we put them all down before four sets of little feet starting running down the hallway to see. (crisis averted!)

Adam and I were beat, so we grabbed our jackets, and said our good byes. I was up pretty early this morning running errands with mom, so I was exhausted when we got in the car. I pretty much passed out in the car for the entire ride back to our house. (poor Adam......first Jeff, then me). We opened the door and within ten minutes, we were under the covers and ready to sleep.

As I stated before in a previous post, going to Jeff & Julie's on Christmas Eve is a tradition I am really enjoying. Hopefully we can do this for many more years to come.

Jeff, Julie......I hope the kids had a blast opening up their gifts!!! And I REALLY hope they didn't wake you up too early this morning to do it!

Thank you both again for everything! Oh, and Julie, thanks for being the best euchre partner I could ever ask for!

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas, and an early Happy New Year! I can't believe 2010 is right around the corner!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Saturday!

I had a post up earlier, and after some thought I decided to delete it. I'll give you a brief synopsis: We went wedding band shopping the other day for Adam. I think we found a winner! I'll keep you posted.

Tonight was a rare night for me. I actually had a Saturday off! Woo-hoo! Tonight was the night that Adam's family got together to exchange holiday gifts, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Barb and David were kind enough to invite my mom and Larry over for dinner, so the whole gang was there. It was awesome! We all had such a good time. There was pizza and goodies galore. Along side that, there was a huge mound of presents smack dab in the middle of the family room. Zack, Ashley and Emma made a quick dismantling of it as the gifts were divided into piles for each child. It truly was such a joy to see the kids so eager to open their presents! Although we all swore we would only buy for the kids, there seemed to have been presents for all of the adults too. (wwweeeelllllllll, you know as well as i do that we are just big kids on the inside.......who doesn't love presents?????) Jill gave us a great picture of her, Scotty, Zack and Emma. (they make a great looking family!!!!) I have the picture frame up on the shelf above me right now. Ashley hand made a design of three cats and one dog on a pot holder for Adam & I. I love it! It is hanging up in the kitchen. Of course I had to show the kitties and the Beagle first, so they could identify themselves on it. Adam got a nice, thick, warm over-sized shirt from his parents. This thing is awesome! It will keep him nice and toasty while at work. They gave me socks and a super-comfy pair of calf-high, fleece-lined, sweater-on-the-outside shoes/slippers to wear around the house. My tootsies will be warm this winter! Taby & Brian gave Adam an awesome backpack! It looks high-tech and high-comfort. It would be great to use for hiking, rock climbing, or even to use for over-night trips and/or carrying a lap top. It's awesome! Thanks you guys. As for my gift, Taby & Brian blew me away. I proclaimed Taby as my # 1 blog-reading fan, and she showed me tonight that she truly was. She gave me a pretty multi-colored pastel notebook, where inside are matching colored pieces of paper. On each sheet of paper she printed out my entire blog, starting with day one! Can you believe it? Thank you so much guys! Taby, it's awesome. You rock! (thanks for the coffee too!!!)
After all the gifts were open, and the sugar coma hit from all of the brownies and home-made chocolate covered pretzels, we started to file out to head home. Adam and I made a quick stop by mom's for more gift giving and receiving (score!). We had presents for Adam, Melissa and Richter (my nephew), but they weren't able to make it out. Melissa had to wake up super early for work tomorrow, and the little one was pretty fussy today. (we think he's teething!! hang in there munchkin!). I think mom gave Larry his gift ealrier, because I didn't see it mixed in on the couch with all of ours. Mom gave Adam a really comfy looking thermal shirt, and there was a snuggie-type blanket for me. (do you see a theme here???......) Then mom gave me a beautiful petite heart-shaped pendant, and a gorgeous pair of earrings. I put them on right away. They match my engagement ring! (shiny stuff!!!! yay!!!!!)
All-in-all, I'd say we made out like bandits tonight. And you know what? That's allllright by me.
The Grossman's and Gurevitz's are blending together quite nicely, and as each day passes I feel like we are growing into a family. Again, I cannot thank Barb and David enough for not only inviting myself, my mom, and Larry into their home, but into their family as well. You and your children make us feel more than welcome each and every time we come over. From all of us, thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Holidays, Ya'll!

Well folks, the holidays are most definitely upon us! Chaos and wrapping paper are around evey corner. Last minute gifts, last minute holiday cards, office parties, etc. are all added to the mix. It's a virtual frenzy of 'I have to do this!', 'I need to bake cookies for that!'. It is so easy to get lost in your to-do list. One day you are sleeping off Thanksgiving turkey, and the next you are freezing your mistletoe off singing Christmas Carols and Chanukkah songs.

Being away from my family for so many holidays, I just recently came to the realization of how far we all stray from their actual meaning. We're all in a mad rush to get to the stores, pushing and shoving our way through the aisles, with the sole intent to find and buy expensive items at a fraction of their normal cost......(door busters is what i think they are called). We do this out of love and kindness, and anticipation at the look on the recipient's face. I love giving gifts. I like people knowing I think of them enough to want to give them something either as a token of graciousness, or just in well-wishing. So please, don't get me wrong. I just feel like there isn't enough importance placed on the actual meaning of the celebration. It can sometimes get lost in holiday trinkets and decorations.

When I think of the holidays, I think of horrible cold (check), snow (come January, check), overcast skies (check), but I also think of spending quality time with my family. I think of trips to Bubbe & Papa's house where the warmth from the kitchen hit you full-force when you walked in the door. I think of the sound the latkes made while sizzling in Bubbe's skillet. I think of songs we sang, and smiles we shared. I think of warm hugs and laughter. I think of the people I shared the holiday with, and how much they meant to me, and still do. Call me sappy, a sucker, a ninny, a sentimental old......errrr........young fool. It's ok. I don't mind.

A happy holiday to me is all about the feeling you get from it. The closeness you feel towards the people you love. The bond you have on the first night of Chanukkah while standing around the menorah saying the blessing over the candles.....the same blessing our families have been saying for generations. For others maybe it's a feeling of waking up on a cold snowy morning, running into the family room and finding a hot cup of cocoa and a newspaper waiting for you placed by a roaring fire. It's about spending time together.........being together. Having a day to yourself when there is no need to brave the elements or follow a schedule. No obligations, just making time for creature comforts and simple pleasures. That to me is what the holidays mean.

Take time to teach your children, granchildren, spouse or significant other the true reason behind the holiday. Read the story of the miracle of lights. Explain to the family just why we do what we do. Give others an appreciation for what actually took place, so many years ago, to deem this time important enough for us to keep remembering it year after year. Build fires (in the fireplace), share egg nog, hot chocolate, or coffee (check), snuggle under blankets, watch 'A Christmas Story' 24 hours straight on tv, eat Chinese, and dress up your animals in reindeer headbands. Buy them plush toys shaped like dreidels and Star-of-David's. Give the person next to you a hug (unless you're in new york....on a subway.....and the guy next to you is talking to himself......then you call the police......and maybe give the officer a hug).
Hag sameyach (haag sah-MEI-ach) everyone! Happy Holidays everyone! I wish for you toasty warmth, loving hugs, and big smiles.

Helpful hints for pet owners during the Holidays

This is a handy article I found on the intranet at work. I wanted to pass this on to all of you just as a reference point of what to keep your animals away from during the holidays.

I also am asking that while viewing the blog, there is a gadget on the right side underneath Adam's youtube video. It's for a website called animal rescue site. This place is awesome! If you would just click on the link (it's the purple one), it takes you to a screen where there is an option to 'click on this to give food to shelter animals'. If you click on that, the rescue site funds .6 bowls of food to animals in sanctuaries and shelters. It's free for you to do. I click on it everyday. Thanks!

Holiday Pet Hazards
By Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, Prevention

Festive Foods - Baked goods and boxes of chocolate are abundant this time of year, but if ingested, they can result in gastrointestinal upset, heart arrhythmia, and seizure. Certain desserts can be deadly too--especially those containing grapes, raisins, or currants (like fruitcake), which can lead to kidney failure. Refrain from tossing meat scraps and bones to your dog (and ask your houseguests to do the same). It may seem like a treat, but pets just aren't built to digest meat prepared for humans; eating it can lead to pancreatitis. To keep your dog healthy, stick to her normal diet.

Liquid Potpourri - Filling your house with the smell of pine or peppermint may seem inviting, but if you're partial to heating your scented oils in a simmer pot, know that it can cause serious harm to your feline. These oils are toxic to cats, and even a few licks can result in severe chemical burns in the mouth, fever, difficulty breathing, and tremors. Dogs aren't as sensitive, but it's still wise to scent your home with a nontoxic candle kept safely out of pets' reach.

Flowers And Plants - Poinsettias get the bad rap, but the plant you actually need to worry about is the fragrant lily (such as tiger, Asiatic, and Stargazer), which is commonly found in holiday arrangements and is highly toxic to cats. Just one chewed leaf can result in severe, acute kidney failure. Yuletide plants (like holly and mistletoe) can easily be mistaken for food, resulting in gastrointestinal upset and even heart arrhythmia. Silk and plastic arrangements are your safest bets; if you prefer real flowers, however, choose bouquets made of nonirritating choices such as roses, marigolds, orchids, or daisies.

Ornaments And Decorations - If you find your pet chewing on a string of bubble lights, get her to the vet. The dangerous chemical methylene chloride (which bubbles when heated) can cause irritation to her eyes, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. There's also the risk of broken glass ornaments cutting her paws. So avoid hanging any ornaments at pet level--and try to keep lights and delicate decorations out of reach.

Tinsel - If you own a cat, toss the tinsel--she's likely to mistake it for a chew toy, and eating tinsel can cause severe damage to the intestinal tract. It can get wrapped around the tongue or caught up in the stomach while the rest of it continues to pass through the intestines, which may require expensive abdominal surgery.

If you think your pet may have eaten something toxic, call pet poison animal control immediately. Keep these numbers programmed in your phone:
ASPCA ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER (888) 426-4435, $60 fee per incident;
PET POISON HELPLINE (800) 213-6680, $35 fee (pay by credit card) per incident;

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cold Feet

No, no. Not that kind of cold feet. (The wedding is still 100% a-go, and Adam and I are both counting down for the day to finally arrive!) I meant literally, cold feet. I know that winter is a part of life up here in the North, but it still doesn't cease to amaze me just how cold it gets. I was so spoiled living in the South for ten years. I really think we should lobby for an amendment that all people living above the Mason-Dixon line are granted a furlow from work from November 1st until May 1st. (replace 'gone fishing' sign with 'gone for winter') This way, we can all take up residence in the South, enjoy the sunshine and warmth, and still be able to feel our fingers and toes when we wake up in the morning. day.....just not today.
Well, while winter is pushing itself upon us full-force, life is still going on as usual. With Adam's Uncle Mauro recovering nicely, and his Uncle Mike doing better this week compared to last week, we can focus on what lies ahead. The holidays are approaching, and at a very fast pace. We are still holiday shopping (sheesh), and we are looking forward to exchanging gifts and warming our bellies with latkes and coffee. (g-d that sounds good). Adam and I decided that we were only getting gifts for the kids this holiday. (of course, i had already bought his gift quite a few months ago.....sshhhhhh......) But, well, I am my mother's daughter, so there might be one or two gifts that I picked up for an adult along the way.
The wedding plans are still an on-going process, and we are pleased with the way things are turning out so far. There are still glitches (aaarrggghhhhhhh...), but for the most part, it's smooth sailing from here. Mom and I are going tomorrow night to look at hotels for our out of town guests, and then meeting with a vendor we'd like to bring on board to help us keep the other vendors on track. (a wedding planner.....we have the vendors already, but the wedding planner will be the 'mickey' to our 'rocky' so-to-speak.........our driving force...). The next big thing will be finding our cake vendor. (oh darn........does that mean we have to go to try different flavors of cake???? the horror, the horror..........thank goodness for you, we are team players. we will not rest until every cake has been tasted! i don't care how many times we have to go back....)
With getting as much done as early as we did, it is making it easier to sit in the passenger's seat for a little while. After the new year, we'll get back into finalizing the big plans, and paying more attention to some of the smaller ones. But for right now, we are focusing more on wrapping paper and Chanukkah cards. We are starting to get into a tradition of going to visit our friends Jeff & Julie on Christmas Eve, and helping "Santa" wrap their children's gifts. (they have 4!!!!! good gravy! can you say martini?) They live past Lancaster, OH, so the drive is nice and peaceful with not much to see but small patches of commercial development, and a scattering of homes here and there. I have to tell you, this is a tradition I am really excited about partaking.
Looking back on holidays past, they were just another day. But this year, it is much different. The holidays don't seem so blase to me now. They aren't just songs on the radio, but real time spent with real people. I missed my family while I was out of Ohio, and it is so wonderful to be back and be able to share it with them. My biggest gift (or blessing depending on how you view it), is the addition of having my fiance right here with me. Who knew so much could happen in only a year's time?
As I sit here finishing this post, a good portion of our holiday shopping has been completed thanks to the internet. My little beagle is on the couch next to me, happily snoring away. The demon-cats are all quiet and settled in, taking naps in their respective parts of the house. And as for me I am in the comfort of my house, sipping a not-so-warm cup of coffee, and shivering.....just a little bit. So if any of you were thinking about what to get us for the holidays, .....send leg warmers and socks...........for my cold feet. But really, all that is necessary is you.
Happy holidays everyone. Happy Chanukkah to our family and friends, and a Merry Christmas as well.