Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Sang

Out with the old, in with the new.
Happy New Year everyone!
The harsh winter is here upon us in Columbus, and seems to want to stay for a while. Adam and I were hit with a 24-hour bug that came and left in the blink of an eye. We're finally feeling better day by day. Adam's appetite is almost 100% and mine is slowly coming back too. Hopefully the rest of you avoided catching this. It is uncomfortable! We stayed at home and slept off and on for 24 hours straight.
Today, Adam is at work getting a rush job done for a customer, and I am once again sitting at the computer with coffee on table (not in sip at a time). I have on a comfy hoodie, my flannels, and my warm sock/slippers Adam's parent's gave me for Chanukkah. (thank you, thank you, thank you!) The beagle stayed home from work today, and is currently half asleep on the couch. He is looking out the window every so often to see if daddy is coming home yet, and all the cats are sprawled out like gluttons who ate too much for the holidays.
We went to the zoo last night to see Wild lights, and it was so pretty. It was really cold! I had on about five layers, and I think Adam had on about seven. Even bundled up, the night air was biting! Adam ate at the food court, and then we went in search for hot chocolate. We found a vendor whose line wasn't around the corner, and both got a cup. (i wanted whip cream in mine.....yum!) As we wound our way back to the front, we caught one of the last light shows of the night, and it was great. The lights were fantastic! They are all different colors on almost every tree the zoo has. The area by the main gate is where we stopped to catch the light show, and the lights were set to the music. They ended each show with Trans-Siberian Orchestra (love it!), and everything blinked in sinc. It was the perfect end. After the show was over, we decided to leave. Traffic on the way out was much easier to maneuver through than on the way in. It was smooth sailing all the way back. When we got home, we were both pretty beat. We had a nice time at the zoo, but decided if we go next year it will be in 40 degree weather, and not 15 or 20. (bbbrrrrrr).
We changed out of our multi-layers, and into our sweatshirts and flannels (ok, i did...he changed into jeans and two shirts), and settled in for a bit. We called it an early night and once we got into the warm bed, it was a matter of a few minutes before we were both out like a light.
I woke up and still can't believe tonight is New Year's Eve. Where does the time go? I wish I knew.
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! May you have a healthy, happy, and safe one. I hope it is the best so far, with the promise of many more to come.

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