Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cold Feet

No, no. Not that kind of cold feet. (The wedding is still 100% a-go, and Adam and I are both counting down for the day to finally arrive!) I meant literally, cold feet. I know that winter is a part of life up here in the North, but it still doesn't cease to amaze me just how cold it gets. I was so spoiled living in the South for ten years. I really think we should lobby for an amendment that all people living above the Mason-Dixon line are granted a furlow from work from November 1st until May 1st. (replace 'gone fishing' sign with 'gone for winter') This way, we can all take up residence in the South, enjoy the sunshine and warmth, and still be able to feel our fingers and toes when we wake up in the morning. day.....just not today.
Well, while winter is pushing itself upon us full-force, life is still going on as usual. With Adam's Uncle Mauro recovering nicely, and his Uncle Mike doing better this week compared to last week, we can focus on what lies ahead. The holidays are approaching, and at a very fast pace. We are still holiday shopping (sheesh), and we are looking forward to exchanging gifts and warming our bellies with latkes and coffee. (g-d that sounds good). Adam and I decided that we were only getting gifts for the kids this holiday. (of course, i had already bought his gift quite a few months ago.....sshhhhhh......) But, well, I am my mother's daughter, so there might be one or two gifts that I picked up for an adult along the way.
The wedding plans are still an on-going process, and we are pleased with the way things are turning out so far. There are still glitches (aaarrggghhhhhhh...), but for the most part, it's smooth sailing from here. Mom and I are going tomorrow night to look at hotels for our out of town guests, and then meeting with a vendor we'd like to bring on board to help us keep the other vendors on track. (a wedding planner.....we have the vendors already, but the wedding planner will be the 'mickey' to our 'rocky' so-to-speak.........our driving force...). The next big thing will be finding our cake vendor. (oh darn........does that mean we have to go to try different flavors of cake???? the horror, the horror..........thank goodness for you, we are team players. we will not rest until every cake has been tasted! i don't care how many times we have to go back....)
With getting as much done as early as we did, it is making it easier to sit in the passenger's seat for a little while. After the new year, we'll get back into finalizing the big plans, and paying more attention to some of the smaller ones. But for right now, we are focusing more on wrapping paper and Chanukkah cards. We are starting to get into a tradition of going to visit our friends Jeff & Julie on Christmas Eve, and helping "Santa" wrap their children's gifts. (they have 4!!!!! good gravy! can you say martini?) They live past Lancaster, OH, so the drive is nice and peaceful with not much to see but small patches of commercial development, and a scattering of homes here and there. I have to tell you, this is a tradition I am really excited about partaking.
Looking back on holidays past, they were just another day. But this year, it is much different. The holidays don't seem so blase to me now. They aren't just songs on the radio, but real time spent with real people. I missed my family while I was out of Ohio, and it is so wonderful to be back and be able to share it with them. My biggest gift (or blessing depending on how you view it), is the addition of having my fiance right here with me. Who knew so much could happen in only a year's time?
As I sit here finishing this post, a good portion of our holiday shopping has been completed thanks to the internet. My little beagle is on the couch next to me, happily snoring away. The demon-cats are all quiet and settled in, taking naps in their respective parts of the house. And as for me I am in the comfort of my house, sipping a not-so-warm cup of coffee, and shivering.....just a little bit. So if any of you were thinking about what to get us for the holidays, .....send leg warmers and socks...........for my cold feet. But really, all that is necessary is you.
Happy holidays everyone. Happy Chanukkah to our family and friends, and a Merry Christmas as well.

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