Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Saturday!

I had a post up earlier, and after some thought I decided to delete it. I'll give you a brief synopsis: We went wedding band shopping the other day for Adam. I think we found a winner! I'll keep you posted.

Tonight was a rare night for me. I actually had a Saturday off! Woo-hoo! Tonight was the night that Adam's family got together to exchange holiday gifts, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Barb and David were kind enough to invite my mom and Larry over for dinner, so the whole gang was there. It was awesome! We all had such a good time. There was pizza and goodies galore. Along side that, there was a huge mound of presents smack dab in the middle of the family room. Zack, Ashley and Emma made a quick dismantling of it as the gifts were divided into piles for each child. It truly was such a joy to see the kids so eager to open their presents! Although we all swore we would only buy for the kids, there seemed to have been presents for all of the adults too. (wwweeeelllllllll, you know as well as i do that we are just big kids on the inside.......who doesn't love presents?????) Jill gave us a great picture of her, Scotty, Zack and Emma. (they make a great looking family!!!!) I have the picture frame up on the shelf above me right now. Ashley hand made a design of three cats and one dog on a pot holder for Adam & I. I love it! It is hanging up in the kitchen. Of course I had to show the kitties and the Beagle first, so they could identify themselves on it. Adam got a nice, thick, warm over-sized shirt from his parents. This thing is awesome! It will keep him nice and toasty while at work. They gave me socks and a super-comfy pair of calf-high, fleece-lined, sweater-on-the-outside shoes/slippers to wear around the house. My tootsies will be warm this winter! Taby & Brian gave Adam an awesome backpack! It looks high-tech and high-comfort. It would be great to use for hiking, rock climbing, or even to use for over-night trips and/or carrying a lap top. It's awesome! Thanks you guys. As for my gift, Taby & Brian blew me away. I proclaimed Taby as my # 1 blog-reading fan, and she showed me tonight that she truly was. She gave me a pretty multi-colored pastel notebook, where inside are matching colored pieces of paper. On each sheet of paper she printed out my entire blog, starting with day one! Can you believe it? Thank you so much guys! Taby, it's awesome. You rock! (thanks for the coffee too!!!)
After all the gifts were open, and the sugar coma hit from all of the brownies and home-made chocolate covered pretzels, we started to file out to head home. Adam and I made a quick stop by mom's for more gift giving and receiving (score!). We had presents for Adam, Melissa and Richter (my nephew), but they weren't able to make it out. Melissa had to wake up super early for work tomorrow, and the little one was pretty fussy today. (we think he's teething!! hang in there munchkin!). I think mom gave Larry his gift ealrier, because I didn't see it mixed in on the couch with all of ours. Mom gave Adam a really comfy looking thermal shirt, and there was a snuggie-type blanket for me. (do you see a theme here???......) Then mom gave me a beautiful petite heart-shaped pendant, and a gorgeous pair of earrings. I put them on right away. They match my engagement ring! (shiny stuff!!!! yay!!!!!)
All-in-all, I'd say we made out like bandits tonight. And you know what? That's allllright by me.
The Grossman's and Gurevitz's are blending together quite nicely, and as each day passes I feel like we are growing into a family. Again, I cannot thank Barb and David enough for not only inviting myself, my mom, and Larry into their home, but into their family as well. You and your children make us feel more than welcome each and every time we come over. From all of us, thank you, and Happy Holidays!

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