Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's February already? OY!

Ok, so I woke up today and before I opened my other eye, it hit me. It's February? Already? Well, what happened to January? Did we really sleep through it all? Oh boy.
I can't believe how long it has been since my last post, and wanted to give everyone an update to the progress.
First, let me start by giving shout outs to all of the birthdays we celebrated, and the ones to come.
At the end of January, there was Zack's birthday, Bubbe's birthday, Katie Hamilton's birthday (she's two!), and then David's birthday was on the 2nd. Happy Birthday everyone! Upcoming ones are my brother's birthday on the 7th, my nephew's first birthday on the 23rd, and then Violet Taylor's first birthday on the 4th of March. And then immediately to follow is Adam's birthday on the 19th! Happy Early Birthday to you all!
If there is anyone I left out, I apologize. It wasn't out of intent, only loss of mind on my part. My brain is currently under construction.

Well, since the last post, a lot has gone on! Barb has been a machine, and almost finished all of the centerpieces. She is still making the final touches, and once finished, she is getting ready to start in on the chuppah. (thank you so much! you have been amazing!)

We received the boutonnieres and the corsages last week, and they look phenomenal! I can't believe how fabulous they turned out! We have a meeting with Bobbie our wedding planner tonight, and I can't wait to bring them to show her! (Erica, you outdid yourself.....thank you my friend, thank you!)

We are currently in the process of ketubah shopping, and it is tedious. There are so many to choose from! Holy cow! How can you decide? This will definitely take some thought and time, but will be so well worth it once we are done with the selection process! I can't wait until we are able to hang it up in our house! I look at my Bubbe and Papa's every time I am over at mom's. What a truly commemorative document to showcase.
We are also still perusing for kippot, and making headway on this as well. We are looking for a certain kind, and are having difficulty pinpointing the right direction to go. However, considering how much we have undergone so far, we will have this tackled in no time!

The printer sent over the final proof of the invitations for us to view, and they look fantastic! (ok, so i'm biased......i know). We are ecstatic and can't wait for them to be completed and ready for us to pick up. OOOHHHHHH this is so exciting!

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot! The cake! Yes everyone, the wonderfully creamy, scrumptiously savory, sugary, gooey , chocolaty, delicious cake! How could I let this one slide? We went taste testing last night, and uh-ma-gawd! Heaven! Total heaven. The presentation was lovely and simple, and the taste blew us away. Paula and Leticia (oops! let the cat out of the bag on that one..... :-) hee-hee!) were great to meet with, and they make a mean sample! Well, three actually. Three mean samples! We thought about going back for know......just to make sure everything tasted as good as we remembered.......... Ok, you guessed it. We're going with Paula and Leticia from Simply Special Catering. When I called Paula and told her who I was, and that we had used her catering services for my Bat Mitzvah, she immediately said "Oh yes! The Michael Jackson glove cake!". It's true she did a cake like that for our family, and I can not believe she remembered that after all these years.......well, of course, it hasn't been THAT many years........a-hem.
Dad met us there, and while were waiting for him to show up, Adam and I had to sit there patiently looking at the sample cakes looking so lonely. Those poor little things just wanted to jump in our bellies. Finally dad got there, after being stuck in 270 traffic, and we were able to dig in. (grossman, you're lucky we waited........) They cut us sample pieces of each flavor and arranged them on our plates. Adam and I ate ours in the same order......and dad pretty much did the same. (we saved the most decadent for last......and oh boy, was it worth the wait! houston, we have lift off....) He then took a bite of the sample on my plate and looked at me and said it wasn't as good as the one on his plate. Daaaaaddd!!!! Argh! (if you know my dad, you can totally picture this in your head). Keep in mind, it was the same thing........Needless to say, once again we left with a satisfied palette, and a definite decision that Paula and Leticia were officially on board. I'd love to tell you more, but you'll have to wait for June to see for yourselves.

I saved the best for last dress is here! We got a call from the store in Cincinnati, and it is here and ready for pick up. Yay! Now, we just need the veil, and the shoes, and the jewelry, and Adam's tux..................whew. Check please!

Well you guys, I hope your new year has been off to a less chaotic start. No matter what, take it all in stride, and just go day-by-day.

Here's my advice for this lots of chocolate and enjoy warm cups of coffee and cocoa. And remember to smile every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I'm not being obnoxious to invite you to look at my web site at I know there're a million ketubot out there and the process of choosing one can be really daunting. I like to think mine are a little different that some others you might find and I have all levels of customization available, from fully custom to custom-prints and prints.

    Good luck and have a wonderful wedding!

    Miriam Karp
