Thursday, February 18, 2010

Way to go Adam!

So, I get a text from Adam the other day saying that Bob Marley sold on Etsy. Can you believe it? Adam was skeptical at first. We've had some let downs in the past, and were hesitant to get excited about this sale. After a few days when Etsy confirmed the sale was in fact valid, Bob was lovingly packaged and shipped to his new home in Georgia.
Adam has since talked to the buyer, and she loves it! (duh!) It was a gift to her husband for his birthday, and he was so excited! They are both so pleased with the purchase!
We're excited for them, and so glad that they love Bob! I think the sale was a little bittersweet for Adam. He's had Bob for quite some time, and was sad to see him go. At the same time, he was thrilled that someone else loved Bob enough to have him shipped all the way from Ohio.
Congratulations Adam!
Way to go!

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