Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring has not Sprung

I trudge out of bed every morning, shivering, as I tear myself free from the warm layers of flannel blankets and sheets. My feet hit the freezing-cold hardwood floors, and the first thing I grab are my sweater-sock-shoes. The next thing I reach for is my hooded sweatshirt, and then make the chilly journey down the hall to the bathroom where I brush my teeth using ice cold water. Does this routine sound familiar? Or is it really just me?

As my second full winter back in Ohio, I feel like I have the ability to complain freely about how absolutely horrid the weather is. I decided to take a poll, (not really, it just sounds official if i say i did) and the consensus is: Winter needs to go! I'll gladly help it pack, and I'll even be so kind as to drive it to the airport and make sure it gets there two hours early for its flight! Shoo winter! Go on now! Get!

We had such a lovely break in weather a week or so ago, and then BAM! 6-8 inches of snow fell. I am not allowing myself to get get my hopes anymore until at least April or May. (which is around the time last year the snow finally stopped falling last winter)

Adam's Aunt Bev came back into town from Israel, and this time brought her daughter Sara, and two of her granddaughters (Stav and Ron) as well. The girls had a fantastic time seeing their American cousins (proving to the adults that language isn't necessarily a barrier), and also enjoyed seeing and playing in the cold, white stuff on the ground. (that would be my arch nemesis; snow) In a case such as this, who am I to deny two little girls the pleasure of seeing snow for the first time, and gleefully grinning as they learn the joy of making their first snow angel? However, as someone who has experience living with it, day-after-day, well......let's just say I wouldn't cry myself to sleep at night if it decided never to fall in Ohio again. (fingers crossed people! fingers crossed!!!)

Sigh.......alas, there really isn't much more we can do other than to keep moving forward, keep wearing 3-5 layers of clothing, and keep falling asleep to the hope that one day soon we will wake up basking in the warmth of Spring.

Hang in there everyone!

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