Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Weeks!!!

Well everyone, we only have two weeks until the big day! Where has the time gone? There are so many little things to do! My weekends are jam packed full of details!

We met with the venue and caterer, and also I had a final meeting with the DJ. (this one was a meeting i was looking forward to the most!) I'd say it went really well! I already had a play list written out the day after I talked to the DJ and they came aboard. It had been patiently sitting in my notebook of all things wedding for many, many months. When I had the chance to show the DJ's, they loved it! And I really hope you all do as well! There are songs that I absolutely love, and songs that play in my head throughout the day. I couldn't wait to share them all with you, and in a matter of days, you'll be able to hear them for yourselves!

We had a lot of fun going through their laptop and looking into their music collection. We played some songs, sang some songs, and even did a little head bopping. It made my afternoon! The DJ's are a husband and wife team, and a ton of fun. I think they are the perfect fit for Adam and I, and for all of you too!

This coming week a few of the girls and I are meeting with Monsi, our hair and make-up coordinator. That is on Wednesday, and immediately to follow is going to be a visit to Bubi, and then off to go jewelry shopping at my cousin's jewelry store. I have the bracelet and necklace, but now I need the earrings too! Taby is going to be with me the whole day, and I am really looking forward to it!

The other night we had dinner at our friend's Jimmy & Jodi's house. We picked up Aladdin's, and it was such a nice night we ate outside in their backyard. They have a great picnic table we all sat at, and then Jodi and I took off and left the boys so she and I could get Jeni's. Have you ever been there? I have gone many times, but still feel it is my duty to keep going back, again and again, trying ice cream, just to make sure that no one gets sick. It's a tough job, but I do this because I care!

When we first go to their house, Jodi came in to the kitchen with a wriggling Violet in her arms. I can not believe how big Violet has gotten! Her features morph themselves between mommy and daddy, but her features are now becoming more pronounced, and will soon indicate who she will take after more. Very interesting to see!

There are so many family cook outs tomorrow, and unlike the rest of the world, I'll be spending my time indoors at work. It isn't my first choice, but at least we got a chance to see everyone over the past few days! Dad's birthday is tomorrow also (a memorial day baby!), and unfortunately I can't see him tomorrow night, but will hopefully be able to meet for breakfast instead. Happy Early Birthday dad!

Well everyone, I hope you all have a safe holiday weekend, whatever you decide to do.

See you all in two weeks!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

O. M. G.

Sooo, I was editing one of the registries today and realized there are 21 days left until the wedding! Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday I was complaining about how cold the weather is in Ohio, and then BAM! It hit me like a ton of's almost June. Can you believe it everyone? I know I can't.
We are so excited as the day draws near, and we can not wait to see all of you. We thought 11 months was plenty of time to get everything tackled, and for the most part we were right. Lately we have been hard at work with all of the little details that we have to get in order.
The bridesmaid's dresses are pretty much altered, the flower girl's dresses are coming along (they are going to be so fantastic!), my dress and veil are almost complete........the proud moms are eagerly assembling their ensemble for the big day.......the pieces all seem to be coming together quite nicely.

Here are a few things to get everyone on the same page from over the past few months. My sister-in-law is recovering from a procedure she recently underwent, and her spirits seem to get better every time we talk. She and my mom are both teachers, and they are really looking forward to their summer break. It will be here before they both know it! They both have graciously offered their time to me to help me get things done before the 13th, and I will gladly accept their offer!

My jewelry is finished, and I have been eagerly breaking it in piece by piece. Wednesdays are bracelet days, and sometimes on Sundays before work. Thursdays are run-around-the-house-in-my-necklace days. Honestly, you want to make sure they hold up.......ya know? Even with a little jesting from mom's boyfriend......I believe his exact words were.....'Who doesn't wear diamonds and pearls to do laundry?'..............Exactly! Glad you see things from my point of view.

My shoes are breaking in quite nicely, though I do have to admit they don't look as nice with flannel pants as they do with my dress..........aaahhhhh, a mere technicality.

What else? Hmmmmm.........honestly most everything else is taken care of. We're really just tying up loose ends now. A final meeting with the caterer this coming Wednesday, followed by a meeting with the Rabbi on Thursday. A final go over with the photographer and DJ. Oh! We got the marriage license last week! We went downtown last Wednesday and picked that up first thing in the morning.

As far as the new place is concerned, almost everything is put away. We did locate the camera, it is at Adam's shop. When we bring it home, I'll post some pictures. Or, stop by and let's have some coffee! Yummy!

I know there are so many things I am forgetting to include in this post, but my brain is swimming right now with lists and itineraries. Sheesh!

Well everyone, have a great night! I am going to try to get some sleep, and will have more to post in the next few days!
Sweet dreams!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Food for Thought

When I read this article, the introduction caught me off guard. It was almost like someone had written down the thoughts I have in my head, only in a much more organized manner. Read on for some great info that everyone should know and think about when making decisions on what to put in your bodies. Enjoy!

9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods
by Brett Blumenthal

If you know me at all, you know that I’m an advocate for whole, unprocessed foods. However, many of us inevitably turn to packaged or processed foods when we are short on time. Maybe we grab a frozen dinner or pizza for a quick dinner for our family. Maybe we grab a quick nutrition bar to satiate our hunger until we can sit down for a real meal. Or maybe, we just don’t like to cook. Whether we like it or not, packaged and processed food has become a huge part of our food industry and, as a result, a part of many of our diets.

Although there are some brands that I hugely advocate for, there are many more that border on outright unhealthy and “scary.” Many packaged foods that seem healthy often contain fillers, preservatives and other ingredients you don’t want in your diet. It is always preferable to choose products that have only a handful of ingredients, all of which should be recognizable.

One test to know whether an ingredient is healthy is to ask yourself whether your grandmother would recognize it. If not, there is a good chance the ingredient is less natural food and more man-made chemical. Another good test is whether or not you can easily pronounce the ingredient. If you feel like you need a science degree to pronounce it properly, chances are the ingredient is worth avoiding.

If you do have to resort to a processed food for a snack or dinner (anything canned, packaged, etc.), try to avoid those that contain the ingredients listed in the following chart. Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, these ingredients are some of the most highly processed and least healthy of all:


Why it is Used

Why it is Bad

Artificial Colors

Chemical compounds made from coal-tar derivatives to enhance color.

Linked to allergic reactions, fatigue, asthma, skin rashes, hyperactivity and headaches.

Artificial Flavorings

Cheap chemical mixtures that mimic natural flavors.

Linked to allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, hyperactivity and asthma. Can affect enzymes, RNA and thyroid.

Artificial Sweeteners such as Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Saccharin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol

Highly-processed, chemically-derived, zero-calorie sweeteners found in diet foods and diet products to reduce calories per serving.

Can negatively impact metabolism. Some have been linked to cancer, dizziness hallucinations and headaches.

Benzoate Preservatives known as BHT, BHA, and TBHQ

Compounds that preserve fats and prevent them from becoming rancid.

May result in hyperactivity, angiodema, asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, tumors and urticaria. Can affect estrogen balance and levels.

Brominated Vegetable Oil aka BVO

Chemical that boosts flavor in many citric-based fruit and soft drinks.

Increases triglycerides and cholesterol - Can damage liver, testicles, thyroid, heart and kidneys.

High Fructose Corn Syrup aka HFCS

Cheap alternative to cane and beet sugar - Sustains freshness in baked goods - Blends easily in beverages to maintain sweetness.

May predispose the body to turn fructose into fat. Increases risk for Type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer. Isn’t easily metabolized by the liver.

MSG aka Monosodium Glutamate

Flavor enhancer in restaurant food, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, soups and other foods.

May stimulate appetite and cause headaches, nausea, weakness, wheezing, edema, change in heart rate, burning sensations and difficulty in breathing.


An indigestible fat substitute used primarily in foods that are fried and baked.

Inhibits absorption of some nutrients. Linked to gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bleeding and incontinence.

Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils such as Palm and Soybean

Industrially created fats used in more than 40,000 food products in the U.S. - Cheaper than most other oils.

Contain high levels of trans fats, which raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, contributing to risk of heart disease.

Home Sweet Home!

Well everyone, we have officially moved! I haven't been able to take pictures yet, but I gotta tell ya, it's a cool little place. I feel bad for the beagle. We don't have a fenced in backyard, and we couldn't take his friend the groundhog with us, so it is going to be quite an adjustment for him. All-in-all, the animals are handling the unfamiliar surroundings fairly well! That's a huge relief.

Our friends Jeff & Sean helped us move. They were a gigantic help! There was no way I could have helped Adam the way they both did. They loaded and lugged and lifted many heavy boxes and pieces of furniture. Because of the three of them, we moved everything in one day. Now, we pretty much have everything put away, or at least in the spot it will stay in.

The place is really charming and cool. It has beau-coup character. It has less space than what we had before at the house, but the whole feel and vibe is just so friendly and welcoming! It is so much more conducive for guests, and maybe even dinner parties and get togethers.

Once we find which box the camera was in (uhhh...........), we will take pictures and post them for you to view.

We are both pretty worn out. I went in the bedroom to put something away, and ending up taking an unplanned nap (ok, so i leaned over to give one of the cats a hug, and i ended up pretty much passing out). When I woke up, Adam was at a stopping point with what he was working on in his art room, so then he and the beagle decided they were going to grab a quick nap too. We got a chance to unwind tonight, and just took it easy. We looked through old photo albums, and got a chance to see each other as babies and toddlers. It was a lot of fun, and hopefully we can start making a photo album of our own to pass on to our nieces, nephews, and kids. (some day.......just not to-day...)

Well everyone, my brain is mush so I am going to sign off and go to sleep.

Stay warm tonight!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And away we go!

Hello everyone! Long time, no talk!
I apologize for lack of posts, but it truly has been craaaazzzzzy here lately! Let me get you up to speed.
Last we stated, we had just brought our cake vendor on board (hoorah!!). Well, sad to say, we actually had to go back....a second time.....and they made us do another taste test. It was rough, but, we did this for you everyone! As per our dedication to our beloved guests, we will keep going back as many times as needed to ensure confection perfection! (emphatic smack of fist on table!)

Adam went tux shopping with one of the groomsmen, and they picked out their wedding attire. Can't wait to see it!

Mom's side of the family threw a bridal shower for me in March, and it went off like clock-work! (that was the theme! all invitees were given a specific hour of the day, and they had to purchase gifts based on their "times". super-cute and super-fun idea! mom's uber-creative friends terry, nancy, and janet came up with that one!)
Just this past weekend, Adam's side of the family threw a shower for me too! It was at the party house at his grandpa's condo, and it was beautiful! Barb, Taby, and Jill stopped at nothing to make this a great shower! Taby even had a "quiz" guests had to take to see how well they knew me. What a great idea! (it's the teacher in her, dontchya know?) AND!!!!! dun-dun-dunnnnn! They even had shoes as the centerpieces. SHOES! As the centerpieces! Shoes and and and chocolate............aahhhhhh.

On a super-sweet note of thanks to his mom (and dad!) and sister, we now have his Bar Mitzvah cup in our possession, a beautiful photo album of Adam from birth to present, and the most fantastic cross-stitch of our wedding invitation. How can you beat that? Thank you so much! Those are the things we will cherish forever.

In between these festive and totally thoughtful events, I had a brief stint in the local ER. Turns out, I had a bit of a collapsed lung. Have no fear! I came out just peachy! No lifting heavy problem! No running marathons...........ummmm.......yeah, no way! The only side effects I am working through are just shortness of breath, and the difficulty of working 4-hour work days (aw, man!). Other than that, full steam ahead!

For more good news, we are in the process of moving! (as if working full time and planning a wedding wasn't enough! sheesh!) We (ok, adam) will begin loading the boxes tomorrow or Wednesday (hey, i helped pack!), and hopefully we'll be in and unpacked by the end of the week. Snap! We inadvertently met (and already knew) quite a few of the neighbors in the new 'hood, and are really excited about going into a more residential area. We can take the beagle for walks on the street, we can walk to The Top to meet dad for dinner, we can walk to The Skillet for Adam to have breakfast....Johnson's isn't too far is good. What can I say?

Last week mom and I went to Easton to hit Victoria's Secret (and had a blast! came out with some super cute goodies!), and while on our way back to the car I saw an advertisement at Aveda for a $15 hair cut. Huh? We walked inside, and I stood with my mouth agape, and then spewed out, "A $15 haircut? Seriously?". One of the ladies behind the counter replies, "Yeah. It's $15 that will be donated to the Sierra Club instead of to Aveda."
My reply, " A $15 haircut? Seriously?"
The very nice ladies confirm yes, it is $15, and to sit right down in the chair. Snip-snip, cut-cut, scissor-scissor, and voila! My $15 donation to the Sierra Club. BUT, the lady that did the cut is a stylist at a salon in Gahanna who comes in and does these types of things on a regular basis. What? A good samaritan? AND she cuts hair? Turns out, not only does she cut hair (check!), but she also is familiar with the JCC (double check!), AND she also goes on location to do hair and make-up for weddings!!! (triple check!) Welcome aboard Aveda lady with the skillful scissor-hands! My bridal party and I look forward to a fun afternoon with you on Sunday, June 13th!

Speaking of hair cuts, did everyone see the pictures of a very pouty-faced Sammy Goldston getting his first one? Holy Guacamole! That little one is the most precious thing in the world. No worries Sammy! You'll do better at the next one munchkin!

Well my lovely gvitz blog enthusiasts, thanks for following it thus far, and actually making comments to me about missing it when I was lax about adding new material. I appreciate it very much! (thanks taby! you're my #1 fan!)
Hopefully my next post won't be so far away, and will have pics of our new digs! With most of the lovely presents I received at both showers, I'll have plenty of ammo for entertaining! Beautiful plates, glasses, serveware, cupcake recipes........... Step aside Martha! There's a new sheriff in town! (wellllll, maybe not sheriff........junior sheriff?.....deputy?........honorary beat cop?)

Once again, with my coffee on the table beside me, and very sleepy eyes trying to proofread this, I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. You all have helped make our upcoming wedding such a special day! I really can't believe that it is almost here!

Talk to you soon everyone! Get some sleep!