Sunday, May 23, 2010

O. M. G.

Sooo, I was editing one of the registries today and realized there are 21 days left until the wedding! Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday I was complaining about how cold the weather is in Ohio, and then BAM! It hit me like a ton of's almost June. Can you believe it everyone? I know I can't.
We are so excited as the day draws near, and we can not wait to see all of you. We thought 11 months was plenty of time to get everything tackled, and for the most part we were right. Lately we have been hard at work with all of the little details that we have to get in order.
The bridesmaid's dresses are pretty much altered, the flower girl's dresses are coming along (they are going to be so fantastic!), my dress and veil are almost complete........the proud moms are eagerly assembling their ensemble for the big day.......the pieces all seem to be coming together quite nicely.

Here are a few things to get everyone on the same page from over the past few months. My sister-in-law is recovering from a procedure she recently underwent, and her spirits seem to get better every time we talk. She and my mom are both teachers, and they are really looking forward to their summer break. It will be here before they both know it! They both have graciously offered their time to me to help me get things done before the 13th, and I will gladly accept their offer!

My jewelry is finished, and I have been eagerly breaking it in piece by piece. Wednesdays are bracelet days, and sometimes on Sundays before work. Thursdays are run-around-the-house-in-my-necklace days. Honestly, you want to make sure they hold up.......ya know? Even with a little jesting from mom's boyfriend......I believe his exact words were.....'Who doesn't wear diamonds and pearls to do laundry?'..............Exactly! Glad you see things from my point of view.

My shoes are breaking in quite nicely, though I do have to admit they don't look as nice with flannel pants as they do with my dress..........aaahhhhh, a mere technicality.

What else? Hmmmmm.........honestly most everything else is taken care of. We're really just tying up loose ends now. A final meeting with the caterer this coming Wednesday, followed by a meeting with the Rabbi on Thursday. A final go over with the photographer and DJ. Oh! We got the marriage license last week! We went downtown last Wednesday and picked that up first thing in the morning.

As far as the new place is concerned, almost everything is put away. We did locate the camera, it is at Adam's shop. When we bring it home, I'll post some pictures. Or, stop by and let's have some coffee! Yummy!

I know there are so many things I am forgetting to include in this post, but my brain is swimming right now with lists and itineraries. Sheesh!

Well everyone, have a great night! I am going to try to get some sleep, and will have more to post in the next few days!
Sweet dreams!

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