Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Weeks!!!

Well everyone, we only have two weeks until the big day! Where has the time gone? There are so many little things to do! My weekends are jam packed full of details!

We met with the venue and caterer, and also I had a final meeting with the DJ. (this one was a meeting i was looking forward to the most!) I'd say it went really well! I already had a play list written out the day after I talked to the DJ and they came aboard. It had been patiently sitting in my notebook of all things wedding for many, many months. When I had the chance to show the DJ's, they loved it! And I really hope you all do as well! There are songs that I absolutely love, and songs that play in my head throughout the day. I couldn't wait to share them all with you, and in a matter of days, you'll be able to hear them for yourselves!

We had a lot of fun going through their laptop and looking into their music collection. We played some songs, sang some songs, and even did a little head bopping. It made my afternoon! The DJ's are a husband and wife team, and a ton of fun. I think they are the perfect fit for Adam and I, and for all of you too!

This coming week a few of the girls and I are meeting with Monsi, our hair and make-up coordinator. That is on Wednesday, and immediately to follow is going to be a visit to Bubi, and then off to go jewelry shopping at my cousin's jewelry store. I have the bracelet and necklace, but now I need the earrings too! Taby is going to be with me the whole day, and I am really looking forward to it!

The other night we had dinner at our friend's Jimmy & Jodi's house. We picked up Aladdin's, and it was such a nice night we ate outside in their backyard. They have a great picnic table we all sat at, and then Jodi and I took off and left the boys so she and I could get Jeni's. Have you ever been there? I have gone many times, but still feel it is my duty to keep going back, again and again, trying ice cream, just to make sure that no one gets sick. It's a tough job, but I do this because I care!

When we first go to their house, Jodi came in to the kitchen with a wriggling Violet in her arms. I can not believe how big Violet has gotten! Her features morph themselves between mommy and daddy, but her features are now becoming more pronounced, and will soon indicate who she will take after more. Very interesting to see!

There are so many family cook outs tomorrow, and unlike the rest of the world, I'll be spending my time indoors at work. It isn't my first choice, but at least we got a chance to see everyone over the past few days! Dad's birthday is tomorrow also (a memorial day baby!), and unfortunately I can't see him tomorrow night, but will hopefully be able to meet for breakfast instead. Happy Early Birthday dad!

Well everyone, I hope you all have a safe holiday weekend, whatever you decide to do.

See you all in two weeks!

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