Friday, November 13, 2009

For the Ladies

Recently I had the glorious pleasure of waking up feeling like total drek (yiddish for many things, in this case, crud). I stood up, I was nauseous. I walked, I was nauseous. I bent over, I sat down...... nauseous. The only comfort I felt was either in a fetal position, or curled up in a chair with my legs wrapped underneath me. (ahhhh......the monthly joys of being a woman!) Still, I knew I had to go to work, so I made myself get ready to go. One of the final steps before I walk out the door is the barbaric ritual of flat ironing (frying, essentially) my naturally frizzy (thanks mom!) hair. (to all of you blessed with lovely locks, be grateful this is only something you have to read about, and are lucky enough to never know). Anyway, half of my hair is down and straightened, and the other half is still up in a knot on top of my head. I'm walking around with my cell phone in one hand, and my Chi in the other. I'm slouching, doubling over, standing up straight, and then repeat. I finally realize that there is no way in the world I can make it to work today. I give in and call my boss and say I won't be in today, and if they need me to call and I'll try to make it in. I feel guilty calling off work. This was the first time in about 4 months that I did, but I felt guilty anyway.
The guilt slowly ebbed as I started feeling nauseous and dizzy again. I didn't want to take a nap because I knew I would sleep for hours, and then wake up at about 8:00 and stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I was at a loss of what to do. I didn't want to clean anything, I didn't want to pick up anything, I just wanted to plop down and get lost in something for a few hours. Reading was out. I didn't even feel like holding a book long enough to read a few pages. I decided to watch a movie mom had let me borrow a few weeks ago. I never intended to watch it, (it was a chick flick!...............i don't usually watch chick flicks) but decided it was better than whatever else was on tv at 2:00 in the afternoon. I put the dvd in, snuggled under my lambie blanket from Bath & Body Works (omg! this is the softest blanket in the world!!!! you have to get one!) and proceeded to watch the movie.
Ok, if you have ever read a novel by Nicholas Sparks, you completely understand how his characters draw you in, and how involved you become in their story. He understands his audience, and makes you hang on to their every movement and word. If you have ever seen one of his books-turned-movie, it will do the same. I am sure that I am one of the last people on this planet to see this movie ('the notebook'), and now am one of its biggest fans!
This movie! OMG! It took me on such a roller coaster ride. I laughed, I cried; I had a time. Seriously though, in hindsight when you are hormonal, cramping, and irritated, it is probably not the best time to watch this movie. I cried, and I cried, and I cried. For almost 2 hours, I sat there bawling like a bloated, blubbering baby. When the movie was over, and I had decided that Adam and I were moving to South Carolina to renovate an old dilapidated mansion, my tears finally slowed down. This movie is a total tear-jerker, and will turn you into an emotional mess. WARNING!: Do Not! I repeat, Do Not! watch this movie if cramping, bloated, irritable, or moody.
I tried to call mom and yell at her for making me watch such a horrible movie, but she was still at work and she didn't have time to talk. Why would she want me to watch this movie? This man gives up his life for his wife stricken with dementia. She doesn't know (remember) him, but he stays by her side....morning, noon & night. For those of you that haven't seen it yet, I don't want to ruin it for you. For those of you that have seen it, you know what I am talking about.
Adam came home from work a few hours later, and I thought I had done a good job of composing myself. My eyes weren't too red and puffy, and I wasn't sniffling that much anymore. I gave him a hug and asked how his day went. He gave me a hug back and asked if I was feeling better, and then he asked me what I did while I was home sick today. And just like THAT! I snapped. I broke, I caved. I followed him around the house with tissues in my hands as I told him about this movie. I told him how I never intended to watch this movie, but mom had given it to me and said she thought I should watch it because one of the main characters reminded her of Adam. (she had told me when she gave it to me that Adam is my 'Noah'.......(aaawwwwwww)....). I started crying, and laughing, and then crying again while telling him not only what mom had told me, but also when summarizing the entire story. (keep in mind, he had enough time to not only prepare food, but eat it and clean up, in the amount of time it took me to tell him about the movie). He gave me a pseudo-semi-sad face and came over and hugged me, and then smiled at me as he kissed the top of my head.
'What do you want to do tonight Stace?', he asked me.
'Can we rent a movie tonight?,' I asked, ' One with lots of action and adventure? No love story plot, just lots of evil villains and cheesy fight scenes?'......... Please???????...... Sniffle.
So we went to Blockbuster (aaalllllllllll the way past Hamilton Road) and rented 2 action/adventure movies. Neither of which took place in South Carolina. Neither of which have characters named Noah or Allie. And neither of which made me cry.
Later that night when we got in to bed to go to sleep, I lay there thinking to myself how right my mom was. (DO NOT tell her this! this is strictly between you and I!) Though events and characters are not completely synonymous, I really do have my very own Noah. I know that there isn't a thing in the world that Adam wouldn't do for me if he could. He would build a white house with blue shutters and a wrap-around porch, if that is what I wanted. He would wait for me, patiently and lovingly, if the circumstances made it so. And in turn, I hope he knows that I would most definitely do the same for him. (except the physical building part.......i couldn't make it very might not even pass code....i'd look into having one made for him though.........)

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