Sunday, November 8, 2009

Moving right along.........

We got the contract! High five!

This whole thing was turning into a total fiasco! Before it skyrocketed out of control, I decided to take the bull by the horns.(well, not literally….i don’t really like rodeos….)

What happened was, I set up a time to meet with the event coordinator at the venue so we could finalize the contract and menu selection. When the day came to meet, there was a small glitch in planning (so? nu?), but the event coordinator did state the contract was finished, (mm-hmm), and then asked if it would be ok to e-mail it to me later that afternoon?..... (déjà vu…….i will not panic…….i will not panic….throat semi-closing up for a moment….)

“Sure!”. What? Am I insane? “That would be fine. Looking forward to it!”……..stupid…stupid…stupid…head-smack…head-smack...head-smack…

Needless to say, I wasn’t expecting it to be there when I checked my e-mail later, soooo I decided not to get my hopes up and stayed away from my computer for the rest of the day. The next morning when I woke up, I immediately turned on the computer to check my e-mail, and there it was. Ta-da! Fait accompli. I really never thought the day would come when I was looking forward to receiving something so impersonal as an e-mail. Yet there I was, like a little kid at 5:00 with their face pressed against the window, watching the cars go by waiting for mommy and daddy to get home from work.

I opened the attachments and there in front of me ,in black and white, was the contract waiting for me to print and sign! Triumph! So, I did what anyone else would do. I casually went into the kitchen and starting brewing a pot of coffee while contemplating my next move in this newly ensuing chess game. To print this out right now and sign it, and then rush it right back over to the venue, well, that would be madness. No, there had to be a better way. That would be just what they are expecting us to do.

Well, I still have my freshly brewed cup of coffee to drink, and I would like to take some time to play with the kitties before they get too old to want to play with their mommy, and worry that their friends will make fun of them. Plus it is kind of chilly outside…….don’t want to go catching a cold and risk getting Adam sick. Nah, I think I’ll kick up my feet and finish rooting through my e-mail before getting some laundry done. I mean, really, what’s the hurry? We had no doubt in our minds that the contract would show up. Nope, not one single doubt in our heads…………….

Ok, I’m completely lying. I was glued to my e-mail day-in/day-out for WEEKS! My nails look like a jig saw filed them down to the skin. Every day thoughts ran through my head like ‘Ok, is it today? It sure feels like it a good day to send a contract! Yep, nice and sunny outside…….good day to sign a contract with my new pen!’

And now, it’s here! It’s finally here! Score one more for the Gvitz-team! If we were keeping score, then it would be: Home Team -5, Visiting Team -1 (stupid save-the-dates! I shake my fist at you!).

Alas my good friends and family! No need to panic! The venue is a go!

Next June, at the JCC!


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