Monday, November 23, 2009

Way to go Adam!

The Arts & Crafts Fair at the JCC was yesterday, and from what I could tell, they had many talented people there. I stopped by to look around, and of course visit Adam, before I had to go to work. His dad David was there to help man the booth, and his sister Taby was there to take pictures and help talk it up with people.
When I got there, the place was packed! The entrance was full of patrons and vendors, and the banquet hall was doubly so. Adam was in the banquet hall in the first section of vendors. His booth really stood out because of the type of items he brought to sell. He definitely had the element of unique compared to most of his booth neighbors.
He is still fighting a cold/sinus infection, so he wasn't feeling up to par, but you really couldn't tell when you went over to talk to him. He had a smile on his face, and was more than eager to stop what he was doing to talk to any passer-by. His dad was even more smiley than usual, and you could see the pride on his face during the event. Taby was equally as proud, and you could tell as she also walked around and spoke with the patrons. Everyone was so glad that Adam showed up, and I am sure the event coordinator was glad to see a new face among the mix.
After I left, I was curious to know what was happening. He hadn't had a sale yet, so I was nervous for him. I know these things take time, and this event was more for exposure and introduction for him than anything else. But still, as his fiance, and his friend, I want the best for him. We all do. He has talent, and that is something that no one can deny.
I texted Taby throughout the afternoon for a play-by-play. I got a text back from Taby a while later saying that he had made a sale! I was ecstatic for him! I sent him a congratulations text, and then sent a group text to my family to share the news. They all responded back "Great news!", and mom's boyfriend Larry even went back to congratulate Adam in person. Thanks Larry! The rest of his family stopped by after I had left, and were all equally as happy for him.
I think after the sale, Adam was even more pleased with his decision to register for the event. It gave him confidence to keep pushing forward.
Just last week one of his dinosaur pieces sold at the shop off of Bethel Rd. Combine that along with the sale at the JCC, and I think it is finally sinking in to him that there are people out there that share his vision and enjoy his style. Rightfully so!
All-in-all, the day was a huge success! I am so glad that he attended the event, and am looking forward to seeing him participate in more shows. It's a long road ahead for him, one full of many ups and downs, but I know this is what he wants and loves.
Thank you to everyone who helped him with his special day. Thank you to all of the family that was there for him to help him get through, and thank you to the family and friends that stopped by for support. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and we will see your faces at many more to come.

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