Thursday, November 19, 2009


A lot has been in the works, so we have been busier than usual lately. Adam has been hard at work both at his shop, and preparing himself for his table at the Arts & Crafts fest this Sunday at the JCC, while still diligently working on his Etsy site.
In the midst of all of this, a few members of his family from Israel came to town to spend a few weeks with everyone. Adam was not only excited to have his Aunt Bev (OMG! i love this woman!) back in Columbus, but he was doubly excited to see his cousin, Sivan and her adorable son, Negev. We were so lucky that the weather cooperated while they were here. On the weekends, it was warm enough for them to take Negev and play at Jeffrey Mansion, and then for a hike at Old Man's Cave.
Since everyone was in town, it was decided to celebrate Emma's third birthday a little early. She had a nice party this past weekend with so many people there! It also coincided for both Negev (Happy Belated Birthday Negev!) and Jill. (Happy Birthday Jill!). And in the midst of all this, it was told that Sivan is pregnant! Congratulations Sivan!
My mom was at the party this weekend and she leaned in to ask me if it was ok to say congratulations to Sivan, or if her pregnancy was supposed to be a secret. I told mom that Sivan's Bubbe knew, so it was completely fine if she wanted to say something to Sivan about it in front of everyone. Now, for some of you out there the above interaction/translation might not have impact. 'What interaction/translation?', you ask. Let me explain.
There is a Jewish saying (no, not Hebrew, but Jewish) 'Does Bubbe know?'. I know some of you are thinking, 'That's not a saying, that's a question.' You're right, and you're wrong. Grammatically speaking yes, it ends with a question mark so therefore (hence) it is a question. The usage of the question is that of a statement.
Let me give an example:
Question: 'So, nu? I heard blank is pregnant. Can I tell her congratulations?'...........translation: I heard blank is pregnant. Is it ok to say something, or is it a secret?
Response: 'Well, her Bubbe knows... ' .......translation: end of story. If Bubbe knows, everybody knows. Lesson complete.
The party was a lot of fun. It was full of little ones running around and playing, and the rest of us wishing we still had that much energy. After the party was over, Adam's Aunt Debbie took Bev, Sivan, Negev and their grandma back to her house to spend time with Adam's Uncle Mauro, while the rest of us lingered for lasagna and more cake. (there's always room for cake!)
This past Wednesday, Bev, Sivan and Negev flew back to Israel. It was great seeing Adam's Aunt Bev again, and finally getting a chance to meet Sivan and Negev. I can't wait to see them all next year. I hope they enjoyed their stay, and that it was time well spent.
Before I wrap this up and get back to household chores, I did want to give a few shout-out's to the kids. This post really is more for them than for us.
Shout-out #1: Best/Sweetest Demeanor:
This one is a tie between Zack and Negev. Zack is one of the sweetest little boys that I know. He's patient with his little sister, and just a great kid in general. He always has a grin on his face, and is more than eager to show off his favorite toy or computer game. He ties this one with Negev. Negev just barely turned three, and flew with his mom on a very long flight to a foreign country where people around him talk funny. From what we were told, he handled the flight like a champ, and from what we've seen, he adapted really well to the weird words we spoke. This little one has the most addictive smiles! (and bashful!) You're a trooper Negev!
Shout-out #2: Cutest Red-Head:
This one goes to Ashley! (duh!) She wins this one, no contest! She is a little spit fire, and the cutest thing. All I saw at the party was a flash of red, and knew immediately it was Ashley running by. Spend an afternoon with her at the art museum, or take a quick trip with her to the conservatory some time. I did. She's a joy to be around, and a lot of fun to talk to. For her age, she's way ahead of schedule.
Shout-out #3: Cutest Cheeks:
Sammy Goldston! Hands down, Sammy has the cutest cheeks I have ever seen. (and that hair! i can't get over his little curls!) He is just a little over a year, and is already almost head to head with Negev and Emma. This little guy spent a good portion of the birthday party taking a nap on his mommy, Melissa. (poor Melissa was literally stuck in the chair with a conked out Sammy for at least half of the party). When he woke up, he was full of cute-cheek smiles and vanilla ice cream. Sammy, if I were 33 years younger.................
Shout-out #4: Cutest Princess:
Emma, the birthday girl, takes the cake! When she greeted her guests at the door, she was decked out in her Pretty Princess Party Dress. All of the ladies ooh-ed and aahh-ed over her adorable dress. After the presents were opened, she quickly did a wardrobe change into the cutest little pink dress from her Aunt Taby, Uncle Brian, and cousin Ashley. She's pint-sized fun packed with long, dark curls. She's going to be a heart breaker one day.
Shout-out #5:
This one has no name, but goes out to the rest of us! We all patiently waited for the kids to get their cake and ice cream before diving into it ourselves. We deserve a shout-out for showing great restraint! It was worth the wait, the cake was delicious!
Thank you again to the Gurevitz's, who never cease to make me or members of my family feel comfortable at their family gatherings. Mom had a great time, as did I. What a warm and loving clan!

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