Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone! The time is here for goblins and ghouls to run wild on the streets.....and get rewarded for it! It is a time of year that we all look forward to. Our inner child gets to come out and play, and we are in make-believe land for at least 24 hours. Costumes have been thought of and carefully put together, and candy is bought in bulk to pass out to all the scary little vampires and witches. Children and adults get caught up in the day, and everyone laughs together.
I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday of the year, hands down. The leaves are always at their most vivid colors before giving way to the darker days of winter. There is a slight chill in the air, and a faint smell of burning leaves. Large groups of kids run around screaming and laughing, and the adults get to have their time at night after trick-or-treating to "test" the candy to make sure it is ok for their child's consumption.
Whatever you are doing for Halloween this year, have a safe and enjoyable one. Most of the surrounding suburbs have already had beggars night, so now is time for the adults to play in full costume at Halloween parties.
Be careful, be safe, but most importantly, have a great time. Our lives are often spent so consumed by work and obligation that we forget to take time and enjoy ourselves. Tonight, take some "you" time and have fun!
Don't forget! We "fall" back at midnight on November 1st. Change your clocks before bed!

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