Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Please RSVP for our exclusive Bridal Event!

Ok, honestly, how many of these postcards, fliers, phone calls, solicitations and e-mail did you get after you decided to announce to the world that you were engaged? Now tell me how many you actually went to. (Be honest.........it's just us). Anyone? Anyone? Ok, I'll go first.
My mother had been very adamant with me about registering at a certain store for quite some time. And me, being the pleasant child that I am, would answer her in half audible grunts. She of course took these primitive answers as 'yes'. So needless to say, when I received my e-mail (surprise!) from said company, I automatically thought of my mother's glee and called to reserve my spot at this beloved event. Besides, they were offering a free heart-shaped bowl to all who came and registered. Now, if you know me, you know that heart-shaped anything I steer clear from. I really am not a fru-fru girl, and my eclectic (my mom calls it 'picky') taste proves it. But, I do enjoy free, and there were supposed to be refreshments provided, so it couldn't hurt to at least stop by.
When I called to RSVP I confirmed it for two, and clarified that no I wasn't bringing my fiance, I was bringing my mother. I then called mom and told her about our RSVP confirmation for the event, and she was very excited about the fact that we were going.
When the day came, my mom came to pick me up at an ung-dly hour of the morning. We were advised to come early so we: a. could find a parking space, and b. were expected to be prompt since it started at 9:00 a.m. sharp. We got there at 8:45, parked in a very empty parking lot in a spot right by the door, and waited 15 minutes in the freezing cold before a very caffeinated girl opened up the door to let us in. Not only are my teeth chattering (keep in mind I am hiding under three layers of clothes, plus fleece), but apparently I am the only one people think came with a life partner instead of a fiance. All the other male fiance's are there, looking quite glum and miserable I might add. When my mom asked me if I should have brought Adam instead, I told her no. I didn't want to wake him up early on a weekend. Besides, he would have been so bored there looking at everything 'kitchen'. I would have felt bad making him come and we would have left 10 minutes after the presentation ended. Instead of feeling out of place because I was with mom instead of him, I felt like a great fiance! I let him stay at home, under the cozy, fuzzy and warm blankets........hey,.......wait a minute! What was I thinking? He should've been here with me!
Perky girl had us form a line at the desk, and from there we all sign in. We are each given a text-book size "pamphlet" of their products (um, like we don't know?????) and the bag containing one nicely boxed free goody. Still half-steamed about being there while my warm fiance is snoozing away, I am tempted to turn around and just leave. Instead, I look for mom and see her hanging out at the refreshment table happily filling a plate with fruit and donut holes.
Next, our cattle line is herded through the store, and we are informed of how the different types of flooring indicates the different sections of the store we are in. Wood floor means you are in furniture and bedding, tile floor is kitchen, another floor means accessories, etc., etc. After another 10 or so minutes our flooring education comes to an end, and we are now given free reign to look around the store to begin our wedding registries.
I didn't know if there would be pushing, grabbing, knocking down, or hair pulling as all bride-to-be's were let loose to scan to their hearts content. To be honest, everyone was very polite. No one was hurt, however there was one casualty............sort of. A clumsy couple did drop a glass tumbler on the floor (tile I think), but did little damage. I remember hearing the clang, but not the shatter that usually follows. Hmmm.....what aisle was that? I have got to get me some of those!
After I had a very nice lady help me figure out how my scanner worked, off we went on a scu-ing adventure. We scu-ed here, and we scu-ed there; why, we scu-ed everywhere! Tile, wood, back to tile, stayed on tile, left for a brief second to unknown flooring, and then found ourselves back on tile. Scanning is so easy! I've totally got this! OOh! Look at that! SCU!!!! I should really get 8 of those.......SCU! Shiny stuff!!!!! SCU! SCU! SCU! I looked at the scanner, and my eyes bulged! Woops.........................apparently there is something wrong with this scanner. Alas, no matter how many times I banged it against my hand, the number of items stayed the same. Hee-hee, my bad. Maybe I should get some tech support for this. Tile or slate? Crud.
Needless to say, the scanner was working ok (gulp!) and I finished my 15th trip around the store.......in what i call my 'what-have-i-not-seen' mode. I concluded the whole store had felt my laser beam wrath, so I found an in-store registry kiosk (one of three! ) and docked the scanner into a port and began the process of completing my registry. Two minutes later, four pieces of paper printed out and were neatly shoved into my gift bag. I found mom at the counter buying a small "happy" for herself, so I had time to fill out my comment card about the event. I gave it to the other nice lady behind the counter, and mom and I left the store (definitely wood) and came back out into the blustery cold day.
As we got to the car (15 seconds from the door) I realized that it was actually a very nice event. The entire store was open only for a select few (who RSVP'd!), and wouldn't be open to the public until noon. (Maw g-d! Is this what a gen-u-ine celebrity feels like???)
After getting into the car and blasting the heat, I opened my goody bag and realized the bowl wasn't so bad after all. In fact, I actually kind of liked it. It's a nice size (for putting nothing in it), and will look nice on display on a coffee or end table. (provided my doctor destructo cats don't knock it off onto the floor............).
All-in-all, I give this event and experience 2 thumbs-up. I don't regret going for one second. The staff were great, and really took a lot of time with me and the band of bridezillas (the couple next to me literally were chanting to each other 'add nothing to the list under $40'. no joke). I left the store victorious! My registry was now complete, and ready for all to view.
It was something I am glad I did, and would probably do again if the opportunity were to arise. As I finish writing this, I stop and stare at my registry store goody (safe and secure on the computer table next to me, where the cats have no interest to go) and think of how I am one step closer to the wedding day. It really is a thrilling time.
Ok, now you have all heard my story. Would anybody like to share one of theirs?

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