Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Story

Her story: She had left this place years ago. Now, her past was coming back to haunt her, and fate was slowly pushing her back to the one place she wasn't sure she should be......

His story: Being a recluse, he drifted for years. Finally finding solace in the quiet forest, he sensed trouble was coming.......he just didn't know when or where......

Ok, so this isn't really true. Maybe for a harlequin romance novel, but for us, well....see below...

We met in Jr. High School. With our last names starting with the same letter, we would sit next to each other in home room for the next 7 years. Every year book, our pictures were right next to each other.
I remember thinking that he was cute and really nice. Being 12 or 13 at the time, I was lost in my own prepubescent world where insecurity ran freely. Never thinking more would be possible, we became friends very quickly. And stayed that way for the next 20 years.
Our friends were all in the same group, so we went from friends to best friends over the course of the next year or so.
After graduation, we saw each other a couple of times while we were at college. He visited me in Cincinnati, and I visited him in Dayton.
I came back to Columbus a short while later, and he came back from Dayton about a year later.
We still stayed friends, and kept in touch, but we had different groups of friends. Every once in a while we would run into each other, but for the most part we saw each other in passing.
A few years later I left for South Carolina, and then 2 years later, I moved on to Texas.
Adam stayed here, and eventually started his company in 2001.
We checked in on each other, just as we did with all of our other friends, over the next 10 years. We both went through some rough times, and were still there for each other like time and distance didn't exist.
Eventually, I moved home last November and Adam was the one who helped me price out moving companies for the trip. I felt something different was there between him and I the last week or so I was in Texas, but I had no idea what it was.
When I got back to Columbus, he was the first person I called, and the first person outside of my family to see me. We've spent every night together since my return.
All because of a misunderstanding, or miscommunication, in an e-mail one day, it led us to where we are now. Engaged, and counting down the months and days until all of you are present at our big day!
People will tell you that their spouses are their best friends. For us, it's the other way around. We're best friends soon to become spouses. I don't think either of us would have it any other way. 20 years is a long time to wait for the right thing to happen. But if you ask him or I, we'll both tell you that the wait was well worth it.

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