Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tale of the Mystery Venue........

With Halloween right around the corner, scary stories are everywhere! I was never good at ghost stories, but I thought this was equally as frightening!
Um, ok , so I thought the plans were coming along splendidly as the days fly by towards the wedding. We are so far ahead. We have the venue, the caterer, the dj, the photographer...........errrrrr, or so we thought. The dj and the photographer have already confirmed that everything is a go. I have contracts and deposits down, and we are full steam ahead. The caterer and venue are linked, and I thought both were completely on board too. Buuttttt, there is a glitch......a small novice error. no contract. Crud. No contract! Doh! The horror! The horror!
Since we are having a Rabbi as our officiant, the catering must be Kosher. Our biggest obstacle was finding a venue that either served Kosher, or didn't charge an arm and a leg to have an outside Kosher caterer brought in. We finally found not only a venue, but one that also offers Kosher catering. Eureka! We've been to two taste tests.......and both were delicious! (Ask Adam about the first taste test...........needless to say there was no arm twisting going back for the second!) We loved the second testing, and we gladly gave a deposit for the venue right then and there.
When we left the venue, with full bellies and sleepy heads, the event coordinator had another appointment and was in a slight rush. Needless to say among our harried adieu's, they stated that they would send me the contract via e-mail within a week. And then a week turned into next week. Next week turned into another week. Another week led to a week-and-a-half, and now it has been about 5 "next week"'s later, and here I am having a mild coronary this far into the game.
I feel like a total ninny. I didn't know. A wedding planner's 'to-do' sheet had stated to 'get a signed contract from all vendors'. I remember thinking 'Well, duh? Who wouldn't?'. Apparently that would be me. Ignorant, trusting, wishful, freaking-out, growing-gray-hair-at-supernatural-speed-me. Now what?
Ok, don't panic. (this is my new mantra) We've got this. (gulp). Nooooo problem! (yikes!) Tis but a small stick in the wheel. (who am i kidding???? i'm a goner............)
I e-mailed the event coordinator last week emphasizing my growing state of nervousness at the lack of contract, and their response once again assured me of one no later than Monday. As in last Monday. To date, inbox still void of said contract. It is not looking good.
I have heard of the horror stories that brides encounter with their weddings, and remember brushing them off as urban legends. 'Who me? No! That will never happen to me!'. Of course, this was before our save-the-dates were sent out three times (hee-hee.......), but I laughed it off. Ha-Ha!......isn't that cute? Our first unforeseen comical error. And then there was the time that I decided to change the centerpieces........and then again..........and then yet again. (mom wasn't so pleased with that one).
But this, well, this is a little different. I kind of need the funny-ha-ha to be over, and not have the events of my wedding resembling that of a cheesy Halloween horror flick. I hope that once all is said and done, this will be a laughable memory. But at present, I am white as a ghost.

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