Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winter Blues

For most of you, this is a song that needs no mentioning. Winter is common and expected, not necessarily welcomed, but a part of life living in the North. For me, it's an unashamed pity party. When I moved back to Ohio last year, it was early winter. I had missed seeing the fall foliage, and came for the barren-tree stage when the wind is bitingly cold, and the ground is hardening and awaiting the harsh elements to come.
The days are getting shorter, and seeing the sun is becoming a rarity. The sky starts at a pale shade of gray, and only gets a deeper shade as night closes in. Most of the birds are starting to align in their flight patterns, getting them ready for their winter migration. The streets and playgrounds are a little sparce as the kids are all kept inside where it is warm.
Life still goes on as usual.........putting away the summer items and bringing out the winter wear. It is definitely something that will take time to get used to again. I do miss the sun shining almost every day, and feeling the warmth of it on my skin during the winter months. The few cold days are bearable, only requiring a scarf and a jacket to get you through.
Adam and I have decided that when it comes time to house hunt, whether to rent or own, a fireplace is a must! I remember so many winters at home with mom and dad spent eating chinese or italian food in the living room, sitting right around the fireplace. They were nice times, and ones I hope to have with Adam.
So, to all of you out there, as the seasons change and we settle in for colder weather and more blockbuster or netflix nights, stay warm and be safe. Enjoy a fire with the family, or just yourselves. Grab a blanket, and snuggle in for the night.

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