Friday, October 16, 2009

Winter date night

Since Columbus has changed so much in the past ten years, I am trying to familiarize myself with it again. The streets, the neighborhoods, and the restaurants. While we don't lack the standard chain restaurants, I haven't found those wonderful little out-of-the-way places that you fall in love with. You know the kind. You all have one. Your favorite restaurant.......not because it is upscale, not because you can see and be seen.........but your favorite restaurant where the decor is so-so, but the staff is great and the food makes you think about it every waking second when you aren't there.
My friend Jimmy started his hunt a year or so ago. He and his wife Jodi moved back from California a little while before I did. They have been searching for cool little places ever since their return. They kind of lit my fire, so-to-speak, and I now am searching on my own. I did find a place the other day online that sounded unique, so I set up a dinner for the 5 (don't forget baby Violet! you can check her pics out on her proud mom's blog: little one has the biggest smiles. i warn you though, they are utterly contagious! ) of us to meet and spend some weekday time together. Turns out Jimmy & Jodi had been there before, and really liked the place and were more than happy to go.
While we were having dinner, the subject of winter and cold came up (probably by me), and the realization that we were all becoming slightly sluggish and unmotivated the colder it gets. Movie night came up, and that's when we heard Blockbuster by Bexley was closing. Total shock! I mean, total shock!
Now what were Adam and I going to do for winter date night? Our winter date nights always included a movie and warm flannel pants and a blanket. Well, we still have flannel pants and the blanket..........but do we really have to join Netflix now too? Ay caramba!
Since plans had changed this week, we ended up having winter date night tonight instead of next week. We went to Blockbuster for a final hoorah, and EVERYTHING in the store was on sale. Counter tops, tv's, displays, movie cards, etc. They are no longer renting out movies, everything is buy, buy, buy. You get a decent discount though. And, for once, it's ok if you left your Blockbuster card at home! (score!) We walked around the store, and there were a couple of movies that caught our eye. We tried finding something we had never seen before, and ended up buying two movies (for the price of a rental......only if we don't bring them back on time, we don't have to worry about a $19.95 fee charged to our card). Turns out we had seen the first one, but not the second. The second is a movie called 'Blood Diamond'. Have any of you ever seen it? I have to tell you that I absolutely loved this movie! Loved, loved, loved it! I thought the acting was great, and the story really drew me in. I had heard of conflict-free diamonds before, but never knew quite how bad it really was behind the scenes. If you have a soft heart, like me, you'll want to take your jewelry and throw it outside while driving down the highway. This is the kind of movie that makes you see things in a different light, and hopefully become a more conscientious consumer. If you've already seen it, then you know what I am talking about. If you haven't seen it, it is a good movie to watch. It's long, around 2 to 2-and-a-half hours. Well worth it if you have the time. (when winter hits, who doesn't?) If it's not your kind of thing, completely understood. Say no more. If you have any suggestions, we're all ears. We like watching movies and are always looking for great new releases, or even older ones we've yet to see. Please, forward their names our way!
Movie night is a great way to end a hustle-bustle day at work. It is one of my favorite nights of the week. Today was a busy day for me, but it was a nice day. I had a chance to go to lunch with my future sister-in-law Taby and my new grandmother, Bubbe Sonia. We went to Florentine's, a little Italian place off of West Broad (across from Tommy's diner....super cool diner. check it out!), and had a really nice time. The people in Adam's family are great, and I enjoy spending as much time with them as I can. Ending the night with Adam on date night was the perfect way to close the day. Alas, it's late and I'm cold, and the warm bed and blankets are calling my name.
Morning will be here soon enough, and the next date night seems so far away.

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