Thursday, December 31, 2009

His ring

Hey everyone! I forgot to tell you........Adam has his ring! He came home one day at lunch, and gave me a hug and showed me his hand. He loves it! It is perfect for him too. It is just his style. Now, all we need is a piece of paper making it legal. (and some food and music too!)

Auld Lang Sang

Out with the old, in with the new.
Happy New Year everyone!
The harsh winter is here upon us in Columbus, and seems to want to stay for a while. Adam and I were hit with a 24-hour bug that came and left in the blink of an eye. We're finally feeling better day by day. Adam's appetite is almost 100% and mine is slowly coming back too. Hopefully the rest of you avoided catching this. It is uncomfortable! We stayed at home and slept off and on for 24 hours straight.
Today, Adam is at work getting a rush job done for a customer, and I am once again sitting at the computer with coffee on table (not in sip at a time). I have on a comfy hoodie, my flannels, and my warm sock/slippers Adam's parent's gave me for Chanukkah. (thank you, thank you, thank you!) The beagle stayed home from work today, and is currently half asleep on the couch. He is looking out the window every so often to see if daddy is coming home yet, and all the cats are sprawled out like gluttons who ate too much for the holidays.
We went to the zoo last night to see Wild lights, and it was so pretty. It was really cold! I had on about five layers, and I think Adam had on about seven. Even bundled up, the night air was biting! Adam ate at the food court, and then we went in search for hot chocolate. We found a vendor whose line wasn't around the corner, and both got a cup. (i wanted whip cream in mine.....yum!) As we wound our way back to the front, we caught one of the last light shows of the night, and it was great. The lights were fantastic! They are all different colors on almost every tree the zoo has. The area by the main gate is where we stopped to catch the light show, and the lights were set to the music. They ended each show with Trans-Siberian Orchestra (love it!), and everything blinked in sinc. It was the perfect end. After the show was over, we decided to leave. Traffic on the way out was much easier to maneuver through than on the way in. It was smooth sailing all the way back. When we got home, we were both pretty beat. We had a nice time at the zoo, but decided if we go next year it will be in 40 degree weather, and not 15 or 20. (bbbrrrrrr).
We changed out of our multi-layers, and into our sweatshirts and flannels (ok, i did...he changed into jeans and two shirts), and settled in for a bit. We called it an early night and once we got into the warm bed, it was a matter of a few minutes before we were both out like a light.
I woke up and still can't believe tonight is New Year's Eve. Where does the time go? I wish I knew.
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! May you have a healthy, happy, and safe one. I hope it is the best so far, with the promise of many more to come.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays with the Hamiltons

I had been looking forward to this night for such a long time! We hadn't had a chance to see Jeff & Julie and their kids for months. Their youngest is getting so big! She'll be two next month. (ay caramba).

We exchanged gifts and gave the kids their presents. It was so great to see their smiling faces tearing through tissue and wrapping paper with the greatest of ease. I have to tell you, I did the same. Jeff & Julie got us such a thoughtful gift! They gave us two fleece blankets, an awesome hot chocolate gift set....complete with mugs, marshmallows, and cocoa powder (yum!), and the last item to be opened was our very own copy of: 'The Notebook'!!!! Can you believe it? Julie said that she read my blog, and immediately thought of getting the movie for us. She found it, and it was the store's last copy. Soon after the gifts were exchanged, Jeff took peeled and boiled potatoes and shredded them to make latkes with. Along with that, they had "pulled" chicken simmering in the crock pot in chicken broth, a home made veggie tray, and for dessert.....Kathy's home made cookies. Holy cow! (no pants were a little snug this morning........but honestly, it was sooo worth it!).

While we ate, Meagan and Julie played a Twilight board game we got for her, and Lena was busy painting all of us pictures, while Patrick kept getting his remote control helicopter stuck under the Christmas tree. Katie was running between her brother and sisters, wanting to see what everyone was playing with. I was in heaven watching the kids have a fantastic time. Their exuberance and innocence are so refreshing, and even more-so around the holidays.

Not too long after the presents were open and dinner was cleaned up, it was bed time for the kids. Jeff was getting text updates from Santa every 30 minutes or so, and the kids hurried to get into bed so Santa could drop off their gifts without being seen. After they got into bed, Julie and I left the big boys to play Wii, and we holed ourselves up in the den to wrap everyone's gifts. About two to two-and-a-half hours later we emerged victorious at getting everything wrapped. The only thing left to fill were the stockings by the fireplace. When we got out of the room, we found Adam watching tv, and Katie fast asleep on daddy Jeff's lap. (daddy was snoozing a little too.....sssshhhhhhh........i promised i wouldn't say anything.) While we were bringing the presents out to put under the tree, Lena woke up and wanted to know if Santa had brought the presents yet. Julie went in to talk to Lena while Adam, Jeff & I were grabbing gifts left and right trying to get them under the tree in case little ones wanted to see if Santa had come yet. We were lucky, we put them all down before four sets of little feet starting running down the hallway to see. (crisis averted!)

Adam and I were beat, so we grabbed our jackets, and said our good byes. I was up pretty early this morning running errands with mom, so I was exhausted when we got in the car. I pretty much passed out in the car for the entire ride back to our house. (poor Adam......first Jeff, then me). We opened the door and within ten minutes, we were under the covers and ready to sleep.

As I stated before in a previous post, going to Jeff & Julie's on Christmas Eve is a tradition I am really enjoying. Hopefully we can do this for many more years to come.

Jeff, Julie......I hope the kids had a blast opening up their gifts!!! And I REALLY hope they didn't wake you up too early this morning to do it!

Thank you both again for everything! Oh, and Julie, thanks for being the best euchre partner I could ever ask for!

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas, and an early Happy New Year! I can't believe 2010 is right around the corner!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Saturday!

I had a post up earlier, and after some thought I decided to delete it. I'll give you a brief synopsis: We went wedding band shopping the other day for Adam. I think we found a winner! I'll keep you posted.

Tonight was a rare night for me. I actually had a Saturday off! Woo-hoo! Tonight was the night that Adam's family got together to exchange holiday gifts, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Barb and David were kind enough to invite my mom and Larry over for dinner, so the whole gang was there. It was awesome! We all had such a good time. There was pizza and goodies galore. Along side that, there was a huge mound of presents smack dab in the middle of the family room. Zack, Ashley and Emma made a quick dismantling of it as the gifts were divided into piles for each child. It truly was such a joy to see the kids so eager to open their presents! Although we all swore we would only buy for the kids, there seemed to have been presents for all of the adults too. (wwweeeelllllllll, you know as well as i do that we are just big kids on the inside.......who doesn't love presents?????) Jill gave us a great picture of her, Scotty, Zack and Emma. (they make a great looking family!!!!) I have the picture frame up on the shelf above me right now. Ashley hand made a design of three cats and one dog on a pot holder for Adam & I. I love it! It is hanging up in the kitchen. Of course I had to show the kitties and the Beagle first, so they could identify themselves on it. Adam got a nice, thick, warm over-sized shirt from his parents. This thing is awesome! It will keep him nice and toasty while at work. They gave me socks and a super-comfy pair of calf-high, fleece-lined, sweater-on-the-outside shoes/slippers to wear around the house. My tootsies will be warm this winter! Taby & Brian gave Adam an awesome backpack! It looks high-tech and high-comfort. It would be great to use for hiking, rock climbing, or even to use for over-night trips and/or carrying a lap top. It's awesome! Thanks you guys. As for my gift, Taby & Brian blew me away. I proclaimed Taby as my # 1 blog-reading fan, and she showed me tonight that she truly was. She gave me a pretty multi-colored pastel notebook, where inside are matching colored pieces of paper. On each sheet of paper she printed out my entire blog, starting with day one! Can you believe it? Thank you so much guys! Taby, it's awesome. You rock! (thanks for the coffee too!!!)
After all the gifts were open, and the sugar coma hit from all of the brownies and home-made chocolate covered pretzels, we started to file out to head home. Adam and I made a quick stop by mom's for more gift giving and receiving (score!). We had presents for Adam, Melissa and Richter (my nephew), but they weren't able to make it out. Melissa had to wake up super early for work tomorrow, and the little one was pretty fussy today. (we think he's teething!! hang in there munchkin!). I think mom gave Larry his gift ealrier, because I didn't see it mixed in on the couch with all of ours. Mom gave Adam a really comfy looking thermal shirt, and there was a snuggie-type blanket for me. (do you see a theme here???......) Then mom gave me a beautiful petite heart-shaped pendant, and a gorgeous pair of earrings. I put them on right away. They match my engagement ring! (shiny stuff!!!! yay!!!!!)
All-in-all, I'd say we made out like bandits tonight. And you know what? That's allllright by me.
The Grossman's and Gurevitz's are blending together quite nicely, and as each day passes I feel like we are growing into a family. Again, I cannot thank Barb and David enough for not only inviting myself, my mom, and Larry into their home, but into their family as well. You and your children make us feel more than welcome each and every time we come over. From all of us, thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Holidays, Ya'll!

Well folks, the holidays are most definitely upon us! Chaos and wrapping paper are around evey corner. Last minute gifts, last minute holiday cards, office parties, etc. are all added to the mix. It's a virtual frenzy of 'I have to do this!', 'I need to bake cookies for that!'. It is so easy to get lost in your to-do list. One day you are sleeping off Thanksgiving turkey, and the next you are freezing your mistletoe off singing Christmas Carols and Chanukkah songs.

Being away from my family for so many holidays, I just recently came to the realization of how far we all stray from their actual meaning. We're all in a mad rush to get to the stores, pushing and shoving our way through the aisles, with the sole intent to find and buy expensive items at a fraction of their normal cost......(door busters is what i think they are called). We do this out of love and kindness, and anticipation at the look on the recipient's face. I love giving gifts. I like people knowing I think of them enough to want to give them something either as a token of graciousness, or just in well-wishing. So please, don't get me wrong. I just feel like there isn't enough importance placed on the actual meaning of the celebration. It can sometimes get lost in holiday trinkets and decorations.

When I think of the holidays, I think of horrible cold (check), snow (come January, check), overcast skies (check), but I also think of spending quality time with my family. I think of trips to Bubbe & Papa's house where the warmth from the kitchen hit you full-force when you walked in the door. I think of the sound the latkes made while sizzling in Bubbe's skillet. I think of songs we sang, and smiles we shared. I think of warm hugs and laughter. I think of the people I shared the holiday with, and how much they meant to me, and still do. Call me sappy, a sucker, a ninny, a sentimental old......errrr........young fool. It's ok. I don't mind.

A happy holiday to me is all about the feeling you get from it. The closeness you feel towards the people you love. The bond you have on the first night of Chanukkah while standing around the menorah saying the blessing over the candles.....the same blessing our families have been saying for generations. For others maybe it's a feeling of waking up on a cold snowy morning, running into the family room and finding a hot cup of cocoa and a newspaper waiting for you placed by a roaring fire. It's about spending time together.........being together. Having a day to yourself when there is no need to brave the elements or follow a schedule. No obligations, just making time for creature comforts and simple pleasures. That to me is what the holidays mean.

Take time to teach your children, granchildren, spouse or significant other the true reason behind the holiday. Read the story of the miracle of lights. Explain to the family just why we do what we do. Give others an appreciation for what actually took place, so many years ago, to deem this time important enough for us to keep remembering it year after year. Build fires (in the fireplace), share egg nog, hot chocolate, or coffee (check), snuggle under blankets, watch 'A Christmas Story' 24 hours straight on tv, eat Chinese, and dress up your animals in reindeer headbands. Buy them plush toys shaped like dreidels and Star-of-David's. Give the person next to you a hug (unless you're in new york....on a subway.....and the guy next to you is talking to himself......then you call the police......and maybe give the officer a hug).
Hag sameyach (haag sah-MEI-ach) everyone! Happy Holidays everyone! I wish for you toasty warmth, loving hugs, and big smiles.

Helpful hints for pet owners during the Holidays

This is a handy article I found on the intranet at work. I wanted to pass this on to all of you just as a reference point of what to keep your animals away from during the holidays.

I also am asking that while viewing the blog, there is a gadget on the right side underneath Adam's youtube video. It's for a website called animal rescue site. This place is awesome! If you would just click on the link (it's the purple one), it takes you to a screen where there is an option to 'click on this to give food to shelter animals'. If you click on that, the rescue site funds .6 bowls of food to animals in sanctuaries and shelters. It's free for you to do. I click on it everyday. Thanks!

Holiday Pet Hazards
By Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, Prevention

Festive Foods - Baked goods and boxes of chocolate are abundant this time of year, but if ingested, they can result in gastrointestinal upset, heart arrhythmia, and seizure. Certain desserts can be deadly too--especially those containing grapes, raisins, or currants (like fruitcake), which can lead to kidney failure. Refrain from tossing meat scraps and bones to your dog (and ask your houseguests to do the same). It may seem like a treat, but pets just aren't built to digest meat prepared for humans; eating it can lead to pancreatitis. To keep your dog healthy, stick to her normal diet.

Liquid Potpourri - Filling your house with the smell of pine or peppermint may seem inviting, but if you're partial to heating your scented oils in a simmer pot, know that it can cause serious harm to your feline. These oils are toxic to cats, and even a few licks can result in severe chemical burns in the mouth, fever, difficulty breathing, and tremors. Dogs aren't as sensitive, but it's still wise to scent your home with a nontoxic candle kept safely out of pets' reach.

Flowers And Plants - Poinsettias get the bad rap, but the plant you actually need to worry about is the fragrant lily (such as tiger, Asiatic, and Stargazer), which is commonly found in holiday arrangements and is highly toxic to cats. Just one chewed leaf can result in severe, acute kidney failure. Yuletide plants (like holly and mistletoe) can easily be mistaken for food, resulting in gastrointestinal upset and even heart arrhythmia. Silk and plastic arrangements are your safest bets; if you prefer real flowers, however, choose bouquets made of nonirritating choices such as roses, marigolds, orchids, or daisies.

Ornaments And Decorations - If you find your pet chewing on a string of bubble lights, get her to the vet. The dangerous chemical methylene chloride (which bubbles when heated) can cause irritation to her eyes, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. There's also the risk of broken glass ornaments cutting her paws. So avoid hanging any ornaments at pet level--and try to keep lights and delicate decorations out of reach.

Tinsel - If you own a cat, toss the tinsel--she's likely to mistake it for a chew toy, and eating tinsel can cause severe damage to the intestinal tract. It can get wrapped around the tongue or caught up in the stomach while the rest of it continues to pass through the intestines, which may require expensive abdominal surgery.

If you think your pet may have eaten something toxic, call pet poison animal control immediately. Keep these numbers programmed in your phone:
ASPCA ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER (888) 426-4435, $60 fee per incident;
PET POISON HELPLINE (800) 213-6680, $35 fee (pay by credit card) per incident;

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cold Feet

No, no. Not that kind of cold feet. (The wedding is still 100% a-go, and Adam and I are both counting down for the day to finally arrive!) I meant literally, cold feet. I know that winter is a part of life up here in the North, but it still doesn't cease to amaze me just how cold it gets. I was so spoiled living in the South for ten years. I really think we should lobby for an amendment that all people living above the Mason-Dixon line are granted a furlow from work from November 1st until May 1st. (replace 'gone fishing' sign with 'gone for winter') This way, we can all take up residence in the South, enjoy the sunshine and warmth, and still be able to feel our fingers and toes when we wake up in the morning. day.....just not today.
Well, while winter is pushing itself upon us full-force, life is still going on as usual. With Adam's Uncle Mauro recovering nicely, and his Uncle Mike doing better this week compared to last week, we can focus on what lies ahead. The holidays are approaching, and at a very fast pace. We are still holiday shopping (sheesh), and we are looking forward to exchanging gifts and warming our bellies with latkes and coffee. (g-d that sounds good). Adam and I decided that we were only getting gifts for the kids this holiday. (of course, i had already bought his gift quite a few months ago.....sshhhhhh......) But, well, I am my mother's daughter, so there might be one or two gifts that I picked up for an adult along the way.
The wedding plans are still an on-going process, and we are pleased with the way things are turning out so far. There are still glitches (aaarrggghhhhhhh...), but for the most part, it's smooth sailing from here. Mom and I are going tomorrow night to look at hotels for our out of town guests, and then meeting with a vendor we'd like to bring on board to help us keep the other vendors on track. (a wedding planner.....we have the vendors already, but the wedding planner will be the 'mickey' to our 'rocky' so-to-speak.........our driving force...). The next big thing will be finding our cake vendor. (oh darn........does that mean we have to go to try different flavors of cake???? the horror, the horror..........thank goodness for you, we are team players. we will not rest until every cake has been tasted! i don't care how many times we have to go back....)
With getting as much done as early as we did, it is making it easier to sit in the passenger's seat for a little while. After the new year, we'll get back into finalizing the big plans, and paying more attention to some of the smaller ones. But for right now, we are focusing more on wrapping paper and Chanukkah cards. We are starting to get into a tradition of going to visit our friends Jeff & Julie on Christmas Eve, and helping "Santa" wrap their children's gifts. (they have 4!!!!! good gravy! can you say martini?) They live past Lancaster, OH, so the drive is nice and peaceful with not much to see but small patches of commercial development, and a scattering of homes here and there. I have to tell you, this is a tradition I am really excited about partaking.
Looking back on holidays past, they were just another day. But this year, it is much different. The holidays don't seem so blase to me now. They aren't just songs on the radio, but real time spent with real people. I missed my family while I was out of Ohio, and it is so wonderful to be back and be able to share it with them. My biggest gift (or blessing depending on how you view it), is the addition of having my fiance right here with me. Who knew so much could happen in only a year's time?
As I sit here finishing this post, a good portion of our holiday shopping has been completed thanks to the internet. My little beagle is on the couch next to me, happily snoring away. The demon-cats are all quiet and settled in, taking naps in their respective parts of the house. And as for me I am in the comfort of my house, sipping a not-so-warm cup of coffee, and shivering.....just a little bit. So if any of you were thinking about what to get us for the holidays, .....send leg warmers and socks...........for my cold feet. But really, all that is necessary is you.
Happy holidays everyone. Happy Chanukkah to our family and friends, and a Merry Christmas as well.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! (belated!)

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The cool weather mixing with the remaining leaves of Fall. Walking into a warm house and smelling the different aromas wafting through the rooms carrying the anticipation of the holiday meal to come........aahhh...perfection!
We started off the day going to Adam’s parents house and the food was fantastic! It was the epitome of what Thanksgiving dinner should be. Everything was delicious! Barb made the best sweet potatoes. (I want the recipe!) They were fabulous. You know the meal is good when even Emma, Ashley & Zack made all gone.
It was such a nice, relaxing afternoon. It was small and intimate, no extended family. Jill & Scotty left early with the kids because they had two other places to go. What a full day for them!
When we got ready to leave so Adam could rest, Ashley had settled under a blanket with her Grandma and looked so sweet and cozy. Adam’s dad had reclined in his Lazy Boy and looked like he wasn’t going to be able to keep his eyes open much longer. Taby settled in on the couch, and looked so relaxed and comfy.
We braved the cold and drove back to the house where Adam immediately laid down on the couch and fell asleep. He slept for hours. I went to dad’s and let Adam stay home so he could rest. He’s been fighting a bad sinus infection for a few days, and we didn’t want to chance him getting worse.
Dad’s Thanksgiving dinner was great. As always, his girlfriend is so creative with her dishes. The food was great! For dessert, there were 3-4 different choices!!! Yum! (can you say ‘elastic waist pants’?)
It started off small, then right before I left, the girls friends started trickling in one by one to say hello. I wanted to get home and check on Adam, so I said my good-byes and headed for the house.
When I walked in the door he was still fast asleep. I tried to be quiet, but he still heard me moving around the house. He looked a little better after he woke up, so we settled in to watch a comedy called ‘Land of the Lost’. (this movie is hilarious! If you like Will Farrell, you will rank this up there with 'Taladega Nights'!).
We were both pretty beat after that, and we called it a night and got ready for bed. Even with the hours in between meals, our bellies were still full as we settled in under the covers. (confession: I am still full!)
Holiday season is in full swing, and we are eagerly looking forward to more quality time to spend with family and friends.
Hopefully you all will be able to do the same.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Way to go Adam!

The Arts & Crafts Fair at the JCC was yesterday, and from what I could tell, they had many talented people there. I stopped by to look around, and of course visit Adam, before I had to go to work. His dad David was there to help man the booth, and his sister Taby was there to take pictures and help talk it up with people.
When I got there, the place was packed! The entrance was full of patrons and vendors, and the banquet hall was doubly so. Adam was in the banquet hall in the first section of vendors. His booth really stood out because of the type of items he brought to sell. He definitely had the element of unique compared to most of his booth neighbors.
He is still fighting a cold/sinus infection, so he wasn't feeling up to par, but you really couldn't tell when you went over to talk to him. He had a smile on his face, and was more than eager to stop what he was doing to talk to any passer-by. His dad was even more smiley than usual, and you could see the pride on his face during the event. Taby was equally as proud, and you could tell as she also walked around and spoke with the patrons. Everyone was so glad that Adam showed up, and I am sure the event coordinator was glad to see a new face among the mix.
After I left, I was curious to know what was happening. He hadn't had a sale yet, so I was nervous for him. I know these things take time, and this event was more for exposure and introduction for him than anything else. But still, as his fiance, and his friend, I want the best for him. We all do. He has talent, and that is something that no one can deny.
I texted Taby throughout the afternoon for a play-by-play. I got a text back from Taby a while later saying that he had made a sale! I was ecstatic for him! I sent him a congratulations text, and then sent a group text to my family to share the news. They all responded back "Great news!", and mom's boyfriend Larry even went back to congratulate Adam in person. Thanks Larry! The rest of his family stopped by after I had left, and were all equally as happy for him.
I think after the sale, Adam was even more pleased with his decision to register for the event. It gave him confidence to keep pushing forward.
Just last week one of his dinosaur pieces sold at the shop off of Bethel Rd. Combine that along with the sale at the JCC, and I think it is finally sinking in to him that there are people out there that share his vision and enjoy his style. Rightfully so!
All-in-all, the day was a huge success! I am so glad that he attended the event, and am looking forward to seeing him participate in more shows. It's a long road ahead for him, one full of many ups and downs, but I know this is what he wants and loves.
Thank you to everyone who helped him with his special day. Thank you to all of the family that was there for him to help him get through, and thank you to the family and friends that stopped by for support. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and we will see your faces at many more to come.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


A lot has been in the works, so we have been busier than usual lately. Adam has been hard at work both at his shop, and preparing himself for his table at the Arts & Crafts fest this Sunday at the JCC, while still diligently working on his Etsy site.
In the midst of all of this, a few members of his family from Israel came to town to spend a few weeks with everyone. Adam was not only excited to have his Aunt Bev (OMG! i love this woman!) back in Columbus, but he was doubly excited to see his cousin, Sivan and her adorable son, Negev. We were so lucky that the weather cooperated while they were here. On the weekends, it was warm enough for them to take Negev and play at Jeffrey Mansion, and then for a hike at Old Man's Cave.
Since everyone was in town, it was decided to celebrate Emma's third birthday a little early. She had a nice party this past weekend with so many people there! It also coincided for both Negev (Happy Belated Birthday Negev!) and Jill. (Happy Birthday Jill!). And in the midst of all this, it was told that Sivan is pregnant! Congratulations Sivan!
My mom was at the party this weekend and she leaned in to ask me if it was ok to say congratulations to Sivan, or if her pregnancy was supposed to be a secret. I told mom that Sivan's Bubbe knew, so it was completely fine if she wanted to say something to Sivan about it in front of everyone. Now, for some of you out there the above interaction/translation might not have impact. 'What interaction/translation?', you ask. Let me explain.
There is a Jewish saying (no, not Hebrew, but Jewish) 'Does Bubbe know?'. I know some of you are thinking, 'That's not a saying, that's a question.' You're right, and you're wrong. Grammatically speaking yes, it ends with a question mark so therefore (hence) it is a question. The usage of the question is that of a statement.
Let me give an example:
Question: 'So, nu? I heard blank is pregnant. Can I tell her congratulations?'...........translation: I heard blank is pregnant. Is it ok to say something, or is it a secret?
Response: 'Well, her Bubbe knows... ' .......translation: end of story. If Bubbe knows, everybody knows. Lesson complete.
The party was a lot of fun. It was full of little ones running around and playing, and the rest of us wishing we still had that much energy. After the party was over, Adam's Aunt Debbie took Bev, Sivan, Negev and their grandma back to her house to spend time with Adam's Uncle Mauro, while the rest of us lingered for lasagna and more cake. (there's always room for cake!)
This past Wednesday, Bev, Sivan and Negev flew back to Israel. It was great seeing Adam's Aunt Bev again, and finally getting a chance to meet Sivan and Negev. I can't wait to see them all next year. I hope they enjoyed their stay, and that it was time well spent.
Before I wrap this up and get back to household chores, I did want to give a few shout-out's to the kids. This post really is more for them than for us.
Shout-out #1: Best/Sweetest Demeanor:
This one is a tie between Zack and Negev. Zack is one of the sweetest little boys that I know. He's patient with his little sister, and just a great kid in general. He always has a grin on his face, and is more than eager to show off his favorite toy or computer game. He ties this one with Negev. Negev just barely turned three, and flew with his mom on a very long flight to a foreign country where people around him talk funny. From what we were told, he handled the flight like a champ, and from what we've seen, he adapted really well to the weird words we spoke. This little one has the most addictive smiles! (and bashful!) You're a trooper Negev!
Shout-out #2: Cutest Red-Head:
This one goes to Ashley! (duh!) She wins this one, no contest! She is a little spit fire, and the cutest thing. All I saw at the party was a flash of red, and knew immediately it was Ashley running by. Spend an afternoon with her at the art museum, or take a quick trip with her to the conservatory some time. I did. She's a joy to be around, and a lot of fun to talk to. For her age, she's way ahead of schedule.
Shout-out #3: Cutest Cheeks:
Sammy Goldston! Hands down, Sammy has the cutest cheeks I have ever seen. (and that hair! i can't get over his little curls!) He is just a little over a year, and is already almost head to head with Negev and Emma. This little guy spent a good portion of the birthday party taking a nap on his mommy, Melissa. (poor Melissa was literally stuck in the chair with a conked out Sammy for at least half of the party). When he woke up, he was full of cute-cheek smiles and vanilla ice cream. Sammy, if I were 33 years younger.................
Shout-out #4: Cutest Princess:
Emma, the birthday girl, takes the cake! When she greeted her guests at the door, she was decked out in her Pretty Princess Party Dress. All of the ladies ooh-ed and aahh-ed over her adorable dress. After the presents were opened, she quickly did a wardrobe change into the cutest little pink dress from her Aunt Taby, Uncle Brian, and cousin Ashley. She's pint-sized fun packed with long, dark curls. She's going to be a heart breaker one day.
Shout-out #5:
This one has no name, but goes out to the rest of us! We all patiently waited for the kids to get their cake and ice cream before diving into it ourselves. We deserve a shout-out for showing great restraint! It was worth the wait, the cake was delicious!
Thank you again to the Gurevitz's, who never cease to make me or members of my family feel comfortable at their family gatherings. Mom had a great time, as did I. What a warm and loving clan!

Friday, November 13, 2009

For the Ladies

Recently I had the glorious pleasure of waking up feeling like total drek (yiddish for many things, in this case, crud). I stood up, I was nauseous. I walked, I was nauseous. I bent over, I sat down...... nauseous. The only comfort I felt was either in a fetal position, or curled up in a chair with my legs wrapped underneath me. (ahhhh......the monthly joys of being a woman!) Still, I knew I had to go to work, so I made myself get ready to go. One of the final steps before I walk out the door is the barbaric ritual of flat ironing (frying, essentially) my naturally frizzy (thanks mom!) hair. (to all of you blessed with lovely locks, be grateful this is only something you have to read about, and are lucky enough to never know). Anyway, half of my hair is down and straightened, and the other half is still up in a knot on top of my head. I'm walking around with my cell phone in one hand, and my Chi in the other. I'm slouching, doubling over, standing up straight, and then repeat. I finally realize that there is no way in the world I can make it to work today. I give in and call my boss and say I won't be in today, and if they need me to call and I'll try to make it in. I feel guilty calling off work. This was the first time in about 4 months that I did, but I felt guilty anyway.
The guilt slowly ebbed as I started feeling nauseous and dizzy again. I didn't want to take a nap because I knew I would sleep for hours, and then wake up at about 8:00 and stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I was at a loss of what to do. I didn't want to clean anything, I didn't want to pick up anything, I just wanted to plop down and get lost in something for a few hours. Reading was out. I didn't even feel like holding a book long enough to read a few pages. I decided to watch a movie mom had let me borrow a few weeks ago. I never intended to watch it, (it was a chick flick!...............i don't usually watch chick flicks) but decided it was better than whatever else was on tv at 2:00 in the afternoon. I put the dvd in, snuggled under my lambie blanket from Bath & Body Works (omg! this is the softest blanket in the world!!!! you have to get one!) and proceeded to watch the movie.
Ok, if you have ever read a novel by Nicholas Sparks, you completely understand how his characters draw you in, and how involved you become in their story. He understands his audience, and makes you hang on to their every movement and word. If you have ever seen one of his books-turned-movie, it will do the same. I am sure that I am one of the last people on this planet to see this movie ('the notebook'), and now am one of its biggest fans!
This movie! OMG! It took me on such a roller coaster ride. I laughed, I cried; I had a time. Seriously though, in hindsight when you are hormonal, cramping, and irritated, it is probably not the best time to watch this movie. I cried, and I cried, and I cried. For almost 2 hours, I sat there bawling like a bloated, blubbering baby. When the movie was over, and I had decided that Adam and I were moving to South Carolina to renovate an old dilapidated mansion, my tears finally slowed down. This movie is a total tear-jerker, and will turn you into an emotional mess. WARNING!: Do Not! I repeat, Do Not! watch this movie if cramping, bloated, irritable, or moody.
I tried to call mom and yell at her for making me watch such a horrible movie, but she was still at work and she didn't have time to talk. Why would she want me to watch this movie? This man gives up his life for his wife stricken with dementia. She doesn't know (remember) him, but he stays by her side....morning, noon & night. For those of you that haven't seen it yet, I don't want to ruin it for you. For those of you that have seen it, you know what I am talking about.
Adam came home from work a few hours later, and I thought I had done a good job of composing myself. My eyes weren't too red and puffy, and I wasn't sniffling that much anymore. I gave him a hug and asked how his day went. He gave me a hug back and asked if I was feeling better, and then he asked me what I did while I was home sick today. And just like THAT! I snapped. I broke, I caved. I followed him around the house with tissues in my hands as I told him about this movie. I told him how I never intended to watch this movie, but mom had given it to me and said she thought I should watch it because one of the main characters reminded her of Adam. (she had told me when she gave it to me that Adam is my 'Noah'.......(aaawwwwwww)....). I started crying, and laughing, and then crying again while telling him not only what mom had told me, but also when summarizing the entire story. (keep in mind, he had enough time to not only prepare food, but eat it and clean up, in the amount of time it took me to tell him about the movie). He gave me a pseudo-semi-sad face and came over and hugged me, and then smiled at me as he kissed the top of my head.
'What do you want to do tonight Stace?', he asked me.
'Can we rent a movie tonight?,' I asked, ' One with lots of action and adventure? No love story plot, just lots of evil villains and cheesy fight scenes?'......... Please???????...... Sniffle.
So we went to Blockbuster (aaalllllllllll the way past Hamilton Road) and rented 2 action/adventure movies. Neither of which took place in South Carolina. Neither of which have characters named Noah or Allie. And neither of which made me cry.
Later that night when we got in to bed to go to sleep, I lay there thinking to myself how right my mom was. (DO NOT tell her this! this is strictly between you and I!) Though events and characters are not completely synonymous, I really do have my very own Noah. I know that there isn't a thing in the world that Adam wouldn't do for me if he could. He would build a white house with blue shutters and a wrap-around porch, if that is what I wanted. He would wait for me, patiently and lovingly, if the circumstances made it so. And in turn, I hope he knows that I would most definitely do the same for him. (except the physical building part.......i couldn't make it very might not even pass code....i'd look into having one made for him though.........)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another Score for Adam!

With the recent opening of a store in Columbus, Adam has been sought out and asked to have some of his work featured there. He currently has a few of his pieces there to view and purchase. The store is called Mystic Nirvana, and is located inside the Woodcraft Center at 1057 Bethel Rd., Columbus, OH, 43220.
If you are in the area, stop by and take a look! And if not, it's a beautiful day for a drive. :-)
Support local artists! (and my fiance!)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I got great news yesterday from Adam! There is an art fair at the end of the month that he will be participating in, and be able to showcase his talent. It is sponsored by the Early Childhood Parent Committee of the JCC College Ave Preschool, and it's purpose is to help support education and programming for young children.
It is called the Seventh Annual Jewish Community Arts & Crafts Fair, and will be held on Sunday, November 22nd from 10:00am-4:00pm. It is being held at the Leo Yasenoff Jewish Community Center. Their address is: 1125 College Avenue, Columbus, OH, 43209.
We really hope you can be there to support him! Seeing friendly faces will help put him at ease!
Bring family! Mark your calendars and we'll see you there!

Moving right along.........

We got the contract! High five!

This whole thing was turning into a total fiasco! Before it skyrocketed out of control, I decided to take the bull by the horns.(well, not literally….i don’t really like rodeos….)

What happened was, I set up a time to meet with the event coordinator at the venue so we could finalize the contract and menu selection. When the day came to meet, there was a small glitch in planning (so? nu?), but the event coordinator did state the contract was finished, (mm-hmm), and then asked if it would be ok to e-mail it to me later that afternoon?..... (déjà vu…….i will not panic…….i will not panic….throat semi-closing up for a moment….)

“Sure!”. What? Am I insane? “That would be fine. Looking forward to it!”……..stupid…stupid…stupid…head-smack…head-smack...head-smack…

Needless to say, I wasn’t expecting it to be there when I checked my e-mail later, soooo I decided not to get my hopes up and stayed away from my computer for the rest of the day. The next morning when I woke up, I immediately turned on the computer to check my e-mail, and there it was. Ta-da! Fait accompli. I really never thought the day would come when I was looking forward to receiving something so impersonal as an e-mail. Yet there I was, like a little kid at 5:00 with their face pressed against the window, watching the cars go by waiting for mommy and daddy to get home from work.

I opened the attachments and there in front of me ,in black and white, was the contract waiting for me to print and sign! Triumph! So, I did what anyone else would do. I casually went into the kitchen and starting brewing a pot of coffee while contemplating my next move in this newly ensuing chess game. To print this out right now and sign it, and then rush it right back over to the venue, well, that would be madness. No, there had to be a better way. That would be just what they are expecting us to do.

Well, I still have my freshly brewed cup of coffee to drink, and I would like to take some time to play with the kitties before they get too old to want to play with their mommy, and worry that their friends will make fun of them. Plus it is kind of chilly outside…….don’t want to go catching a cold and risk getting Adam sick. Nah, I think I’ll kick up my feet and finish rooting through my e-mail before getting some laundry done. I mean, really, what’s the hurry? We had no doubt in our minds that the contract would show up. Nope, not one single doubt in our heads…………….

Ok, I’m completely lying. I was glued to my e-mail day-in/day-out for WEEKS! My nails look like a jig saw filed them down to the skin. Every day thoughts ran through my head like ‘Ok, is it today? It sure feels like it a good day to send a contract! Yep, nice and sunny outside…….good day to sign a contract with my new pen!’

And now, it’s here! It’s finally here! Score one more for the Gvitz-team! If we were keeping score, then it would be: Home Team -5, Visiting Team -1 (stupid save-the-dates! I shake my fist at you!).

Alas my good friends and family! No need to panic! The venue is a go!

Next June, at the JCC!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Focus Forward

We are now coming to the time of year when focusing is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to focusing on yourself. Whatever your goal is: eat more, eat less, get to the gym, sleep in, wake up early, or when you try to get some good old fashioned "you" time set aside, it is very easy to come up with excuses and reasons why you can't keep yourself on track. The holidays prove to be the worst and most difficult time to try. However, with a little inner discipline, anything can be accomplished.
I found this article on the internal website at work, and wanted to forward on to all of you to read. Hopefully it is just the right motivator to keep you on track to really attain whatever goal you have set for yourself, and want to stick to.
I read this again and again. It sounds very simple in print, but is not always easy to accomplish in real life. Little excuses can rear their ugly heads and make it difficult to stay on track. Here are a few things I tell myself when I stray too far from my goals:
-Remember the end result
-Remember how good it feels when things actually come to fruition
-Never lose sight of yourself or who you are, or the reason behind your persistence
-Don't apply unnecessary pressure....whether on you or someone one else should be responsible or accountable for your actions
-Never use materialistic things as a means to accomplish a purpose
-Life throws plenty of curve balls at you.........WHEN you fall down, get right back up and push forward with fervor
-Stay positive......negativity can replicate breeding bacteria and can consume you, often times making you digress
-Be flexible......things don't always have to be completed in one certain way......learn to use change and unforeseen happenings as a way to combat onesidedness
-Learn to adapt to the unknown........this can often lead to many new doorways you never knew existed
-Be true to yourself and realistic in your goals........and don't show fear in rewarding yourself on a job well done.............I feel this is one of the most important.
-Don't be something you are not.....others pick up on this and regard you as disingenuous

Read the article below for a very honest and straightforward approach to mind over matter.

"The Art And Science Of Self-Discipline, by Robin Sharma

Study anyone who has achieved a measure of greatness, from the CEOs and entrepreneurs who have built wildly successful businesses to the best mothers, fathers, teachers and poets, and you will be studying discipline in motion. Discipline is the cornerstone of self-mastery. The ancient Eastern book of wisdom, the
Bhagavad-Gita says: "without discipline, he has no understanding of inner power; without inner power, he has no peace; and without peace, where is joy?"

Self-discipline is a fundamental virtue to inner-power. Discipline is the source, the wellspring, that lets you live the life that you deserve. You must strengthen your inner core if you are truly dedicated to manifesting your highest potential for personal and professional success. With discipline, you will possess the inner fire needed to focus on your primary goals and realize your dreams.

The Real Secret Of Discipline

I define discipline as the virtue that gives you the courage and the inner resolve to do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it. Discipline is all about promise keeping. I am not talking only about those promises you have made to others, such as your promise to your child to take her to the zoo this weekend, or your promise to your partner that you will become a better listener. I am also talking about the promises that you make to yourself; those small daily resolutions ranging from the promise to read 30 minutes a day to a personal commitment you have made to raise the standards of your work at the office.

Discipline means that you take time away from the little emergencies which seem to eat up your day to kindle the fire of self-mastery. Discipline means that you get up early to go for a run on a freezing winter's day because you made this one of your personal mastery milestones, and you are dedicated to raising the level of your physical fitness. Discipline means that you refuse an invitation to go out to a party on Saturday night because you had planned to review your goals and refine your purpose statement, and think deeply about where your personal, professional and spiritual life is going. Discipline is having the power to turn off the TV and go into your study to read some of those books that you know will truly improve your effectiveness. Discipline is having the bravery and the inner strength to stop giving so much time to the unimportant things in your life and to start directing your energy to those high-impact activities which will truly make a measurable difference in the richness of your life.

Integrating the habit of discipline into your days takes effort, willpower and courage. Having the discipline to follow through on the life goals you have set for yourself and living the kind of life you have imagined in your mind's eye is a very brave way to live. It is a very noble way to live. It is also a very liberating way to live, because you have become the master of your own life. You begin to take control of your destiny. It's the source of great enlightenment. You set your course, and then, you have the resolve to follow it. And this also leads to tremendous amounts of confidence because you realize that you alone are the one who influences your life, and if you don't like what you see, you can change it. You shape your circumstances rather than letting them shape you. You become the master of your life, rather than letting life master you.

Building Discipline

How do you build self-discipline? The principle can be stated in seven words: put off short-term gratification for long-term satisfaction. You build discipline by sacrificing what is easy to do for what is right to do. When you put off doing what is impulsive -- those things that simply feel good in the moment but offer no long-term benefits -- and start doing what your heart tells you is good, you start to build discipline. When you do the things you don't like to do but know you should do, you build discipline. This is the seed of greatness. As H. P. Liddon noted sagely: "What we do upon some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we already are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline."

The top performers on the playing fields of business and life continuously raise their standards. They realize they are bound for glory and destined to actualize the full extent of their personal genius. So they have done their inner work and are focused on achieving personal excellence. They know that they are here for a life of meaning and action. Leaders have the wisdom to understand that self-mastery comes one day at a time. And the days slip into weeks. And the weeks into months. And a time comes when those small, daily improvements in their discipline levels have created extraordinary results in life quality.

Three Lessons For Creating Self-Discipline

  1. Finish what you start - As a trial lawyer with many competing demands on my time, it is essential that I, at all times, have the strength of will to follow the daily plan I have set for myself and concentrate only on those pursuits which are central to my mission. To cultivate the kind of discipline required to be able to do this, a philosophy I apply in my own life is to finish what I start. This simple practice is enormously effective because in practicing it, you are no longer a slave to your weaker impulses which silently prod you to take the path of least resistance and quit before your goal is reached, no matter how small that goal may be. Instead, you are in full control of your self and use your inner power to accomplish worthy ends, whether this means completing a hot new book on creativity, learning a new language or growing a dynamic business.
  2. Be silent - As I discovered when researching my first book, MegaLiving, the Buddhist monks have a favorite strategy to build willpower, one that has been used by many cultures over the years to build enormous amounts of inner strength and resolve. It is the vow of silence. You might wonder how would staying quiet for days on end build willpower? It is because you are exerting force on your will. You are not giving in to the impulse telling you to talk. You made a promise and set a goal that you would be silent for a few hours, or maybe even a full day, and then, you had the courage to keep this promise. And this courage and capacity quickly spills over into every other area of your life. Following through on this small goal builds your capacity to follow through on larger goals, like managing your time more efficiently or building richer relationships or mastering your physical endowments.
  3. Get up early - Early rising is one of the key life habits of so many highly successful people I have studied, from Ted Turner to Nelson Mandela. In my own life, I've now trained myself to get up around 5 a.m., since I have found that rising at this time allows me the time I need to write peacefully and think deeply. Without a doubt, it's one of the best things I do for myself. But I earned the rewards I have received from getting up early. I wasn't always an early riser. Yet the more I studied the lives of the people who were truly creating happier, healthier and more meaningful lives than others, the more I realized the value of getting up early. And the more I exercised the power of my will, and got up from a warm bed to do what I had promised myself I would do, the stronger it became.

Above all else, however, the real key is this: discipline in your outer world comes from a disciplined inner world. And a disciplined inner world comes from thinking correct, inspiring, disciplined and enlightened thoughts. Your thoughts form your world. Life management begins with mind management. And as you exercise your character power to build self-discipline, meditate on these words of Emerson: "That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our ability to do has increased." "

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone! The time is here for goblins and ghouls to run wild on the streets.....and get rewarded for it! It is a time of year that we all look forward to. Our inner child gets to come out and play, and we are in make-believe land for at least 24 hours. Costumes have been thought of and carefully put together, and candy is bought in bulk to pass out to all the scary little vampires and witches. Children and adults get caught up in the day, and everyone laughs together.
I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday of the year, hands down. The leaves are always at their most vivid colors before giving way to the darker days of winter. There is a slight chill in the air, and a faint smell of burning leaves. Large groups of kids run around screaming and laughing, and the adults get to have their time at night after trick-or-treating to "test" the candy to make sure it is ok for their child's consumption.
Whatever you are doing for Halloween this year, have a safe and enjoyable one. Most of the surrounding suburbs have already had beggars night, so now is time for the adults to play in full costume at Halloween parties.
Be careful, be safe, but most importantly, have a great time. Our lives are often spent so consumed by work and obligation that we forget to take time and enjoy ourselves. Tonight, take some "you" time and have fun!
Don't forget! We "fall" back at midnight on November 1st. Change your clocks before bed!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tale of the Mystery Venue........

With Halloween right around the corner, scary stories are everywhere! I was never good at ghost stories, but I thought this was equally as frightening!
Um, ok , so I thought the plans were coming along splendidly as the days fly by towards the wedding. We are so far ahead. We have the venue, the caterer, the dj, the photographer...........errrrrr, or so we thought. The dj and the photographer have already confirmed that everything is a go. I have contracts and deposits down, and we are full steam ahead. The caterer and venue are linked, and I thought both were completely on board too. Buuttttt, there is a glitch......a small novice error. no contract. Crud. No contract! Doh! The horror! The horror!
Since we are having a Rabbi as our officiant, the catering must be Kosher. Our biggest obstacle was finding a venue that either served Kosher, or didn't charge an arm and a leg to have an outside Kosher caterer brought in. We finally found not only a venue, but one that also offers Kosher catering. Eureka! We've been to two taste tests.......and both were delicious! (Ask Adam about the first taste test...........needless to say there was no arm twisting going back for the second!) We loved the second testing, and we gladly gave a deposit for the venue right then and there.
When we left the venue, with full bellies and sleepy heads, the event coordinator had another appointment and was in a slight rush. Needless to say among our harried adieu's, they stated that they would send me the contract via e-mail within a week. And then a week turned into next week. Next week turned into another week. Another week led to a week-and-a-half, and now it has been about 5 "next week"'s later, and here I am having a mild coronary this far into the game.
I feel like a total ninny. I didn't know. A wedding planner's 'to-do' sheet had stated to 'get a signed contract from all vendors'. I remember thinking 'Well, duh? Who wouldn't?'. Apparently that would be me. Ignorant, trusting, wishful, freaking-out, growing-gray-hair-at-supernatural-speed-me. Now what?
Ok, don't panic. (this is my new mantra) We've got this. (gulp). Nooooo problem! (yikes!) Tis but a small stick in the wheel. (who am i kidding???? i'm a goner............)
I e-mailed the event coordinator last week emphasizing my growing state of nervousness at the lack of contract, and their response once again assured me of one no later than Monday. As in last Monday. To date, inbox still void of said contract. It is not looking good.
I have heard of the horror stories that brides encounter with their weddings, and remember brushing them off as urban legends. 'Who me? No! That will never happen to me!'. Of course, this was before our save-the-dates were sent out three times (hee-hee.......), but I laughed it off. Ha-Ha!......isn't that cute? Our first unforeseen comical error. And then there was the time that I decided to change the centerpieces........and then again..........and then yet again. (mom wasn't so pleased with that one).
But this, well, this is a little different. I kind of need the funny-ha-ha to be over, and not have the events of my wedding resembling that of a cheesy Halloween horror flick. I hope that once all is said and done, this will be a laughable memory. But at present, I am white as a ghost.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mishpacha, La Familia, La Famiglia, Family

No matter which way you say it or pronounce it, it means the same. Family. One single word. It can mean so many things, and can usher so many thoughts. Good memories, hard times, but the faces and names are constant. Each family has its key players, and each member knows their role. You can have a large family, with cousins and nieces and nephews at play, or a smaller family capable of more intimate interaction. No matter which one you come from, or make on your own, at the end of the day it is the one sure thing you have. Though we can not always choose the members, they are part of us just the same.
I believe it is every bride's rite of passage to begin her "familiarizing" stage during her engagement. For some, this might mean hosting luncheons for her family and her fiance's. For others, it could mean babysitting or running errands for soon-to-be-in-laws. I personally enjoy just getting to know everyone on Adam's side, and getting to know who they are. I love talking to people and hearing their stories. I have been so fortunate to get to know Adam's Bubbe Hoffman, and his Grandpa Lewis. While seeing the world in their own individual ways, I really enjoy listening to them talk. If you think about what they have seen and lived through, you get such a deeper understanding of who you really are, and where you come from. You can see the world through their eyes, the way it is now and the way it used to be. I am sure that the experiences we endure now are quite different from the ones they have faced.
While spending more time with Adam's grandparents, it makes me reflect on the lack of my own. They have all passed away, and won't be able to see Adam and I on our wedding day. I miss them more and more everyday. I miss my Bubbe's laugh (and her cooking!). I miss hearing her and her best friend Yetta "yelling" at each other in her family room. I miss hearing the way she called me "Stac-alah". I miss hearing my Papa whistle on the phone to me mimicking the chirping sound of a bird. I miss seeing his sunflowers blooming in the front yard of his house. I miss seeing him play cards with my dad, hearing my dad say 'Joe, are you cheating again?'. I miss my Nana, whose eyes were the palest cornflower blue. I miss the way she smelled of citrus on her neck, and how it left a scent on me when I leaned in for a kiss hello. I miss the way happiness touched her eyes every time she smiled. I never had a chance to meet my grandpa Sam, my dad's dad. He passed away when my dad was only 5 years old. From the pictures I have seen, they show a kind looking man, yet one who had the potential for much mischief (
To say that this time in my life isn't my most happiest would be a lie. But to think of the key players in my life who aren't here to share it, well, that truly does sadden me to no end. As with all things in life, even the happiest times can bring about the most bittersweet.
Next June will be a time of great celebration for us. I hope it is a gathering of people looking forward to being together and welcoming new faces into their lives. We are a large family, and a loving family. We laugh, we cry, we fight, and we are loud. We're opinionated, we're passionate, we're stubborn, and head strong. But we are ours. To all of you who are able to make it to the wedding, and to those of you who can't, we welcome you. Welcome to the family.
Please take a moment to remember the ones who aren't here with us to share in our joy, and keep them in your heart to take with you wherever you go.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Story

Her story: She had left this place years ago. Now, her past was coming back to haunt her, and fate was slowly pushing her back to the one place she wasn't sure she should be......

His story: Being a recluse, he drifted for years. Finally finding solace in the quiet forest, he sensed trouble was coming.......he just didn't know when or where......

Ok, so this isn't really true. Maybe for a harlequin romance novel, but for us, well....see below...

We met in Jr. High School. With our last names starting with the same letter, we would sit next to each other in home room for the next 7 years. Every year book, our pictures were right next to each other.
I remember thinking that he was cute and really nice. Being 12 or 13 at the time, I was lost in my own prepubescent world where insecurity ran freely. Never thinking more would be possible, we became friends very quickly. And stayed that way for the next 20 years.
Our friends were all in the same group, so we went from friends to best friends over the course of the next year or so.
After graduation, we saw each other a couple of times while we were at college. He visited me in Cincinnati, and I visited him in Dayton.
I came back to Columbus a short while later, and he came back from Dayton about a year later.
We still stayed friends, and kept in touch, but we had different groups of friends. Every once in a while we would run into each other, but for the most part we saw each other in passing.
A few years later I left for South Carolina, and then 2 years later, I moved on to Texas.
Adam stayed here, and eventually started his company in 2001.
We checked in on each other, just as we did with all of our other friends, over the next 10 years. We both went through some rough times, and were still there for each other like time and distance didn't exist.
Eventually, I moved home last November and Adam was the one who helped me price out moving companies for the trip. I felt something different was there between him and I the last week or so I was in Texas, but I had no idea what it was.
When I got back to Columbus, he was the first person I called, and the first person outside of my family to see me. We've spent every night together since my return.
All because of a misunderstanding, or miscommunication, in an e-mail one day, it led us to where we are now. Engaged, and counting down the months and days until all of you are present at our big day!
People will tell you that their spouses are their best friends. For us, it's the other way around. We're best friends soon to become spouses. I don't think either of us would have it any other way. 20 years is a long time to wait for the right thing to happen. But if you ask him or I, we'll both tell you that the wait was well worth it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Winter date night

Since Columbus has changed so much in the past ten years, I am trying to familiarize myself with it again. The streets, the neighborhoods, and the restaurants. While we don't lack the standard chain restaurants, I haven't found those wonderful little out-of-the-way places that you fall in love with. You know the kind. You all have one. Your favorite restaurant.......not because it is upscale, not because you can see and be seen.........but your favorite restaurant where the decor is so-so, but the staff is great and the food makes you think about it every waking second when you aren't there.
My friend Jimmy started his hunt a year or so ago. He and his wife Jodi moved back from California a little while before I did. They have been searching for cool little places ever since their return. They kind of lit my fire, so-to-speak, and I now am searching on my own. I did find a place the other day online that sounded unique, so I set up a dinner for the 5 (don't forget baby Violet! you can check her pics out on her proud mom's blog: little one has the biggest smiles. i warn you though, they are utterly contagious! ) of us to meet and spend some weekday time together. Turns out Jimmy & Jodi had been there before, and really liked the place and were more than happy to go.
While we were having dinner, the subject of winter and cold came up (probably by me), and the realization that we were all becoming slightly sluggish and unmotivated the colder it gets. Movie night came up, and that's when we heard Blockbuster by Bexley was closing. Total shock! I mean, total shock!
Now what were Adam and I going to do for winter date night? Our winter date nights always included a movie and warm flannel pants and a blanket. Well, we still have flannel pants and the blanket..........but do we really have to join Netflix now too? Ay caramba!
Since plans had changed this week, we ended up having winter date night tonight instead of next week. We went to Blockbuster for a final hoorah, and EVERYTHING in the store was on sale. Counter tops, tv's, displays, movie cards, etc. They are no longer renting out movies, everything is buy, buy, buy. You get a decent discount though. And, for once, it's ok if you left your Blockbuster card at home! (score!) We walked around the store, and there were a couple of movies that caught our eye. We tried finding something we had never seen before, and ended up buying two movies (for the price of a rental......only if we don't bring them back on time, we don't have to worry about a $19.95 fee charged to our card). Turns out we had seen the first one, but not the second. The second is a movie called 'Blood Diamond'. Have any of you ever seen it? I have to tell you that I absolutely loved this movie! Loved, loved, loved it! I thought the acting was great, and the story really drew me in. I had heard of conflict-free diamonds before, but never knew quite how bad it really was behind the scenes. If you have a soft heart, like me, you'll want to take your jewelry and throw it outside while driving down the highway. This is the kind of movie that makes you see things in a different light, and hopefully become a more conscientious consumer. If you've already seen it, then you know what I am talking about. If you haven't seen it, it is a good movie to watch. It's long, around 2 to 2-and-a-half hours. Well worth it if you have the time. (when winter hits, who doesn't?) If it's not your kind of thing, completely understood. Say no more. If you have any suggestions, we're all ears. We like watching movies and are always looking for great new releases, or even older ones we've yet to see. Please, forward their names our way!
Movie night is a great way to end a hustle-bustle day at work. It is one of my favorite nights of the week. Today was a busy day for me, but it was a nice day. I had a chance to go to lunch with my future sister-in-law Taby and my new grandmother, Bubbe Sonia. We went to Florentine's, a little Italian place off of West Broad (across from Tommy's diner....super cool diner. check it out!), and had a really nice time. The people in Adam's family are great, and I enjoy spending as much time with them as I can. Ending the night with Adam on date night was the perfect way to close the day. Alas, it's late and I'm cold, and the warm bed and blankets are calling my name.
Morning will be here soon enough, and the next date night seems so far away.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winter Blues

For most of you, this is a song that needs no mentioning. Winter is common and expected, not necessarily welcomed, but a part of life living in the North. For me, it's an unashamed pity party. When I moved back to Ohio last year, it was early winter. I had missed seeing the fall foliage, and came for the barren-tree stage when the wind is bitingly cold, and the ground is hardening and awaiting the harsh elements to come.
The days are getting shorter, and seeing the sun is becoming a rarity. The sky starts at a pale shade of gray, and only gets a deeper shade as night closes in. Most of the birds are starting to align in their flight patterns, getting them ready for their winter migration. The streets and playgrounds are a little sparce as the kids are all kept inside where it is warm.
Life still goes on as usual.........putting away the summer items and bringing out the winter wear. It is definitely something that will take time to get used to again. I do miss the sun shining almost every day, and feeling the warmth of it on my skin during the winter months. The few cold days are bearable, only requiring a scarf and a jacket to get you through.
Adam and I have decided that when it comes time to house hunt, whether to rent or own, a fireplace is a must! I remember so many winters at home with mom and dad spent eating chinese or italian food in the living room, sitting right around the fireplace. They were nice times, and ones I hope to have with Adam.
So, to all of you out there, as the seasons change and we settle in for colder weather and more blockbuster or netflix nights, stay warm and be safe. Enjoy a fire with the family, or just yourselves. Grab a blanket, and snuggle in for the night.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Interesting read!

Below is from an article I found on a bridal website online. I copied and pasted it right into the post. This is a great breakdown of the traditions of a Jewish wedding, and a similar guideline as to what ours will have too. Keep in mind though, most of the below are strict traditions. Both Adam and I are not quite as strict, but I found the meaning of the article to be quite lovely, and wanted to pass its contents on to you. Enjoy the read!

"A traditional Jewish wedding is full of meaningful rituals, giving expression to the deepest significance and purpose of marriage. These rituals symbolize the beauty of the relationship of husband and wife, as well as their obligations to each other and to the Jewish people. In preparing for the wedding, the chatan (Hebrew for groom) and kallah (bride) should not only pay attention to the material and temporal aspects of married life, but should focus as well on ensuring their religious, spiritual and moral readiness for the future.

The following guide explains the Jewish wedding traditions to help you better understand the beauty and joy of the celebration.

The dawning wedding day heralds the happiest and holiest day of one's life. This day is considered a personal Yom Kippur for the chatan and kallah, for on this day all their past mistakes are forgiven as they merge into a new, complete soul.

As on Yom Kippur, both the chatan and kallah fast (in this case, from dawn until after the completion of the marriage ceremony). And at the ceremony, the chatan wears a kittel, the traditional white robe worn on Yom Kippur.

It is customary for the chatan and kallah not to see each other for the week preceding the wedding. Separate receptions, called Kabbalat Panim, are held just prior to the wedding ceremony.

Jewish tradition likens the couple to a queen and king. The kallah will be seated on a throne to receive her guests, while the chatan is surrounded by guests who sing and toast him.

At this time there is a tradition for the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom to stand together and break a plate. The reason is to show the seriousness of the commitment -- just as a plate can never be fully repaired, so too a broken relationship can never be fully repaired.

Next comes the badeken, the veiling of the kallah by the chatan. The veil symbolizes the idea of modesty and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may be, the soul and character are paramount.

The chatan, accompanied by family and friends, proceeds to the kallah's room and places the veil over her face. This is an ancient custom and serves as the first of many actions by which the groom signals his commitment to clothe and protect his wife. It is reminiscent of Rebecca covering her face before marrying Isaac.

The wedding ceremony takes place under the chupah (canopy), a symbol of the home to be built and shared by the couple. It is open on all sides, just as Abraham and Sarah had their tent open all sides to welcome friends and relatives in unconditional hospitality.

The chupah is usually held outside, under the stars, as a sign of the blessing given by God to the patriarch Abraham, that his children shall be as the stars of the heavens.

The chatan and kallah will wear no jewelry under the chupah (marriage canopy). Their mutual commitment to one another is based on who they are as people not on their respective material possessions.

The chatan, followed by the kallah, are usually escorted to the chuppah by their respective sets of parents. Under the chupah, the kallah circles the chatan seven times. Just as the world was created in seven days, the kallah is figuratively building the walls of the couple's new home. The number seven also symbolizes the wholeness and completeness that they cannot attain separately.

The kallah then settles at her chatan's right-hand side.

Two cups of wine are used in the wedding ceremony. The first cup accompanies the betrothal blessing, and after these are recited, the couple drinks from the cup.

Wine, a symbol of joy in Jewish tradition, is associated with the Kiddush, the sanctification prayer recited on Shabbat and festivals. Marriage, which is called Kiddushin, is the sanctification of a man and woman to each other.

The ring should be made of plain gold, without blemishes or ornamentation (e.g. stones) -- just as it is hoped that the marriage will be one of simple beauty.

The chatan now takes the wedding ring in his hand, and in clear view of two witnesses, he declares to his wife, Behold, you are betrothed unto me with this ring according to the laws of Moses and Israel. He then places the ring on the forefinger of his bride's right hand. According to Jewish law, this is the central moment of the wedding ceremony, and the couple is now fully married at this point.

Now comes the reading of the Ketubah (marriage contract) in the original Aramaic text. In marriage, the chatan accepts upon himself certain marital responsibilities which are detailed in the Ketubah. His principal obligations are to provide food, shelter and clothing for his wife, and to be attentive to her emotional needs. The protection of the rights of a Jewish wife is so important that the marriage may not be solemnized until the contract has been completed.

The document is signed by two witnesses, and has the standing of a legally binding agreement. The Ketubah is the property of the kallah and she must have access to it throughout their marriage. It is often written amidst beautiful artwork, to be framed and displayed in the home. The reading of the Ketubah acts as a break between the first part of the ceremony -- Kiddushin ( betrothal ), and the latter part•Nissuin (marriage).

The Seven Blessings (Sheva Brachot) are now recited over the second cup of wine. The theme of these blessings links the chatan and kallah to our faith in God as Creator of the world, Bestower of joy and love, and the ultimate Redeemer of our people.

These blessings are recited by the rabbi or other people that the families wish to honor.

At the conclusion of the seven blessings, the chatan and kallah again drink some of the wine.

A glass is now placed on the floor, and the chatan shatters it with his foot. This act serves as an expression of sadness at the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and identifies the couple with the spiritual and national destiny of the Jewish people. A Jew, even at the moment of greatest rejoicing, is always mindful of the Psalmist's injunction to set Jerusalem above my highest joy.

Others explain that this is the last time the groom gets to put his foot down.(In Israel, the glass is broken earlier, prior to the reading of the Ketubah.)

This marks the conclusion of the ceremony. With shouts of Mazel Tov, the chatan and kallah are then given an enthusiastic reception from the guests as they leave the chupah together and head toward the Yichud room, their temporary private chamber.

The couple are escorted to a private room and left alone for the first time. These moments of seclusion signify the newly acquired right of the chatan and kallah to live together as husband and wife. Since the couple has been fasting since the morning, at this point they break their fast.

It is a mitzvah for guests to bring simchah (joy) to the chatan and the kallah on their wedding day. There is much music and dancing as the guests celebrate with the new couple. To further bring joy to the occasion, some guests show off their skills at juggling and acrobatics.

After the meal, Birkat Hamazon ( Grace After Meals ) is recited, and the Sheva Brachot are repeated.

During the week following the wedding, it is customary for friends and relatives to host festive meals in honor of the chatan and kallah. This is called the week of Sheva Brachot, because of the blessings said at the conclusion of each of these festive meals."

Written by Andy Shulman
This article was copied in full from

I said Yes! the dress

It’s early……………too early in the morning to be driving to Cincinnati. But, that’s where we’re headed.
Mom, myself, and Barb are all on the way to Cincinnati to go dress shopping. Well, not just dress shopping. I mean dress shopping. As in THE dress. (no pressure)
Barb was the one who suggested we go to Cincinnati for the dress. She said that there were a few stores down there catering solely to wedding dresses, event rentals, cake shops, alterations, etc. Kind of like Little Italy, only picture it with tiered cakes and tiaras, instead of spaghetti and meatballs.
The drive there is pleasant. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is out, mom and Barb are in the front seat talking, and I am in the back pretending to listen very intently………….with my eyes closed………….so I can concentrate………….fully…………….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Did I mention it was early? Coffee??????? Please?
To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when the day came to go dress shopping. And, I really didn’t think I would find it on the same day. I went to get an idea of what styles were out there, and more-or-less to look for bridesmaid dresses and flower girl dresses.
Mom warned me a day or two before we went that I should wear conservative undergarments so I would make a good impression in front of her and Barb. (Huh?{ Mom was in luck! I had just thrown my sequin pasties in to be washed the night before.}) Not quite sure why they would be in the room with me, but I decided to be a good girl and do what she asked.
The drive went fairly quickly, and we got to Cincinnati before I knew it. As soon as we turned onto W. Benson Street, both sides of the street were full of dress shops. We found a place to park at one end of the “district” (this is what I call it……if you have ever been there, you would think so too) and got out of the car. This place must be making gaga bank! Dress shop, after dress shop, after dress shop, containing hundreds of dresses waiting to find their brides. The store fronts were charming and quaint. They range from ‘standard-store’ feel, to claims of hosting European elegance and couture. It really is mind blowing when you walk by. Which one to try? Will I really find ‘the one’ here? Today?
We walked into the first shop we saw and started looking around. The owner of the store, and an associate, were right on hand to help us with any questions………any questions at all (bleach tooth smile!). I ended up trying on a dress (it was a bridesmaid’s dress….solely for the purpose of fit) and had mom take a picture of it for us to think about on the way home. We took some literature with us, and a quote (are you serious???? That much?? For THAT???.…… on their card, and left for the next store.
We passed a few other stores making mental notes on which ones we might want to look at on the way back to the car, and found ourselves stopped in front of Bridal & Formal. It looked really small from the outside. I remember thinking ‘no way! 10 minutes……..tops!’.
We walked in, and the store was HUGE! Rooms were connected from all sides. To the left, the shoe room, the veil room, flower girl dresses & bridesmaid dresses. Couture dresses in front, tea- and cocktail-lengths in the corner. Then there was the back. Ho-ly mackerel. The place was packed! It was a schmorgesbord of brides and dresses. The store had a policy that you needed to sign in and leave your name on a waiting list in order to try on a dress. I didn’t bother. I didn’t think I would need to.
We start looking around. Everything is poofy, tall, and weighs in at around a buck-o-five. After walking up and down the rows (and rows, and rows, and rows…….) I thought we were getting ready to leave. When mom and Barb had pulled a few dresses for me to try, I realized we were staying for a while. ‘Well’, I thought, ‘You’re here. Make the most of it.’ So I pulled a few dresses down to look at and moved on to the next row. Mom found me and told me she was adding my name to the list so I can try the dresses on. Fine, no problem.
My name was called, and Tracie, my dress consultant, grabbed my selections and hung them up on a rod to pull from as needed. She then asked me very succinctly what my budget was. Taken aback I did what any bride-to-be would do. ‘CHEAP!’, I said. ‘Help me find something that doesn’t cost as much as my car.’ She looked at me for a second and said, ‘OK. To be honest, that is low. What area were you looking in?’. I then learned that there was a system to the set-up. High-end in front and right, medium-range in the middle, and my price range in the back of the store. Some call it ‘hidden’, I call it ‘my hidden treasure section’. (come on! You wear it ONE day. Seriously. If you spent that much on a pair of pants, you’d shower in them every morning and fall asleep in them every night.)
Tracie took me straight over to a rack that had a horrid dress right in front.
‘What is your style like? What do you see here in addition to what you have already pulled?’, she asked me.
I rooted through a few dresses and pulled one out.
‘Cute, yes very cute. How about this one?’, she asked pointing to the first one in the row.
‘Um, not my style?’, I said.
‘You don’t like it, do you?’, she asked.
‘No.’, I said. No hesitation. Period. Dot.
‘Do me a favor,’ she asked. ‘Will you try it on?’.
UGH! Seriously???? Aw, come on!
‘Ok Tracie. For you.’ What??? Did I………………..Was that me speaking?....................... Great.
We walk (I sulk) back towards the dressing room. (I said room………..did you catch that?) I’m confused. Why are mom & Barb still walking with us? Where are you taking me? What the……………………..silence. Even my mind was silenced.
The curtain opened, and behind it unveiled a scene from a sorority house movie. There was only one room! We all had to change in front of each other. Self-conscious girls running around using their arms to cover their bodies from each other as their dress consultants were helping them try on their dresses.
This has got to be a joke! Where's the camera? Ha-Ha! Ok, joke's up. Drat. No cheesy music, no person with a microphone appearing telling me I was on candid camera. Oh man, this just keeps getting better.Tracie takes me to an open spot and hangs up a few dresses we found together. I prepare myself for what comes next. Looking around, I take off my shirt. Mom immediately pipes up 'That's my girl! Did you see that Barb? She's wearing a white bra. She is such a good girl. I told her to do that.' mm-hhmmm.
I look at the sky, and I say a silent plea. 'Why me? Why today?'. I slowly exhale only to find Tracie with the ick dress waiting for me to step in to. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for me. I take off my shoes and stand there. They are still looking at me. Oh! I get it! My shorts.......too bad. They're staying on.
I step into the dress (shorts and all) and Tracie pulls up the bodice and tells me to wait there. Um, no problem. I don't have too many options at the moment. She has me keep my back to the mirror so I can't see the dress until it's all the way on. She brings over a corset and very easily helps me swap out bras. Oh man, thank you Tracie. That was painless. I don't know how she did it, but it was done without exposure.
The dress is on, and she took her 9 volt jumper cable looking "clips" and pinned my dress back.
'Turn around', she said.
And I did.
Wow. Oh my. Is this really the same hideous frock hanging lifelessly and lonely on the hanger out there? I loved it. Absolutely loved it. Soft, light-weight, and soooo me.
I turned to her and said, 'You were right. Tracie, you were right. You tha woman.'.
'Girrrrrl, I know!'.
I tried on 3 other dresses. One was all white with a simple band of embroidery between the bodice and the waist. The other was a pretty white dress with intricate fabric detail that looked perfect for a garden-style wedding. Then there was the siren dress. Meeeoow! I loved it. It was a mermaid-style dress. It had such beautiful beadwork all over ending a few inches below the bodice and right around my hips.
'Work it girl! You got the figure for this.'
Thanks Tracie. I love it too. I looked at her and did a quick hip shake for our audience of brides and mom's and said, 'Tracie. This dress is stunning. I love the fit, I love the form fitting feel of the dress, and I LOVE the beadwork. But, I hate the beadwork. It's rubbing against the skin on my arms and is really bothering me. I think you know what I am going to say next.....'
'You don't have to tell me!', she said as she shook her head from side-to-side. 'No, uh-uh. I know. You love the first one. Don't you?'
'Yes. I do. Can I put it back on?'.
And so, icky dress and I walked through the store trying on veils. I walked back to the girls gone wild! dressing room, and heard a lady tell the person sitting next to her, 'What a pretty dress!'. Duh! Hands off honey.
I got back into the room with mom right behind me. Barb stayed out front looking in the bridesmaid section.
I look at mom, then the mirror, then back at mom. I seem to be having a dilemma. The body doesn't want to take off the dress. I look in the mirror again.
'Do you like it mom?'.
'Honey, do you like it?'
'Yes mom, I really do. This is it. This is the one.'.
I looked back at her, and I saw her quickly wiping the tears away from her eyes. I put my arms around her and simply said 'Thank you.'. I hugged her again, and then proceeded to unhook myself from the clamps keeping the dress on me. I finished getting dressed right as Tracie came back in.
'Girrrl.', I said.
'Girrrl.', she replied.
I hugged her, and thanked her to no end. Tracie was right. She was absolutely right.
We ended up ordering the dress (should be here in January!!!!! YAY!!!), and I went to find Barb. She was still in the bridesmaid room. I went over to her and thanked her too. For everything. For the thought. For the suggestion of coming here. And most of all, for being there. I was so lucky and grateful to have them both there with me.
We ended up finding bridesmaid dresses there too. And across the street, they had the most adorable little flower girl dress. Ashley & Emma will look so cute!
In the end, the trip was a HUGE success. I went there with no intention of trying on a single thing. Turns out, I was wrong.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Registry

Here are the places that we have registered at:

You can find our registry either under my name Stacy Grossman or Adam Gurevitz and the wedding date is June 13th 2010.

This is mostly for kitchen items……dinnerware, baking/serving dishes, utensils. All the stuff we need for the kitchen.

The great thing about a Crate & Barrel registry is that you can either purchase online or in the store.

Search for our registry under either Stacy Grossman or Adam Gurevitz, date June 13th, 2010.

They might ask you for a visitor’s password, and the password is june2010.

This is a unique registry because you can take any item from any store and add it to your registry.

Once you click on the item, you don’t have to buy it online, you can purchase it in a store…any store you have seen it in. Once you purchase the item (if not on the myregistry website), you do have to go back and actually take the item off of the registry showing that it has been purchased. That way it will stop duplicates. It sounds complicated, but is really easy. Any problems, please let us know. I can always remove it for you.

This registry is also for kitchen items, flatware, bedding, and one or two odds-n-ends. All stuff we can use and want, so nothing frivolous has been added.

Any questions or issues, feel free to contact us at :

Please keep checking back! We are always adding more posts!

We’d love to hear some of your stories too! Feel free to make comments!